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January 30, 2008



An equally appropriate Napoleon XIV track for this collection would have been "I Live in a Split-Level Head."


Thanks for this, Doug - it looks really cool. As for other psycho songs, all I can think of are Bowie's "I'm Deranged" (Thanks, LOST HIGHWAY!) and possibly The Fabulous Mark III's "Psycho".


One I forgot - Randy Newman's "Back On My Feet Again".


A WFMU list like this without Buddy Holocaust? WTF?
"I haven't Decided" by Buddy Holocaust
...and of course the other great BH's: Butthole Surfers "22 going on 23"


Just about anything by (and the)native hipsters

Rory Murray

How about these whacked-out ditties?

Jack Kittel-Psycho
Bill Haley & The Comets-Crazy Man Crazy
B-52s-Private Idaho
Leona Anderson-Rats In My Room
Talking Heads-Psycho Killer
Roger Miller-I'm A Nut
Edith Massey-Big Girls Don't Cry
Count Five-Psychotic Reaction
Black Sabbath-Psycho Man
Ramones-Teenage Lobotomy
Larry "Wildman" Fischer-My Name Is Larry
Rolling Stones-19th Nervous Breakdown
Lon Chaney Jr.-Spider Baby Theme
Wynn Stewart-I'm Gonna Kill You

Enjoy, you crazy bastards!

Hell's Donut House

Elvis Costello also did a mean cover of Jack Kittel's "Psycho" (actually written by Leon Payne of "Lost Highway" fame) -- sure would love to find *that* one again.


Patsy Cline / Willie Nelson - (I'm) Crazy
The Who - Whiskey Man, and Behind Blue Eyes
R. Crumb's Cheap Suit Serenaders - The River
Dan Hicks & His Hot Licks - I Scare Myself
The Beatles - Maxwell's Silver Hammer
Black Sabbath - Paranoid

see for more more-or-less insane songs

see for various songs entitled CRAZY


How about Rudimentary Peni?
All of this one for example:

Scott Anger

are these all tagged properly? or will this turn my iTunes library into one big clusterfuck like listener greg's posts do?

Hell's Donut House

I also need to put in a vote here for "My Mind Capsized" by The Holy Modal Rounders. Hell, the whole "Moray Eels Eat The Holy Modal Rounders" album, for that matter.


Ballad of Dwight Frye - Alice Cooper

Ringo Stalin

Australia's Beasts of Bourbon do a great cover of Payne's 'Psycho', too.

And, for good measure:
Afghan Whigs - Crazy
Wall of Voodoo - Far Side of Crazy
Geto Boyz - Mind's Playing Tricks on Me
Boingo - Insanity

The Original Larry

"Crazy In The Night" Kim Carnes (yep, the same Kim Carnes that gave us "Bette Davis Eyes".) The album this came off of was titled Barking At Airplanes. Released in 1985.

The Pube

How could they miss Dolly's magnificent "Daddy come and get me" ?

Any song with the first line -

"In this mental institution,
lookin' out through these iron bars "

Is just dandy by me.


Sonics- Psycho
Music Machine- Talk Talk
Lil Jon and The Eastside Boys - Don't F*ck With Me


Ramones- Psychotherapy


Sonic Youth - Schizophrenia

Alan P. Scott

Alice Cooper's entire 1978 album From the Inside (written by Cooper and Bernie Taupin, longtime Elton John collaborator) takes insanity as its theme. The back of the LP's gatefold cover has cutout institutional doors, behind which hide Cooper and a crowd of crazy-looking characters flaunting newspapers headlined "RELEASED."
The theme is relatively subtle in "How You Gonna See Me Now," the most-played cut ("I might have gone out of style/In the place I've been") but is much more explicit in tunes like "The Quiet Room," "Nurse Rozetta" (who "popped the buckle on my Bible Belt"), "Millie and Billie" and, of course, the finale, "Inmates (We're All Crazy)."


Betty Hutton's "Blow a Fuse" (the original version of Bjork's "It's Oh So Quiet") is also fantastic.
Dawn: "I'm Afraid They're All Talking About Me"
Feelies: "the Boy with the Perpetual Nervousness"
Mose Allison: "Lost Mind"
Purple Canteen: "Brains in My Feet"

Pick a Pink Floyd song...

Quizmaster Chris

All the Madmen - Bowie

Chris Andrews

Blah Blah Blah can offer "Hands Beckoning" from their Green Album.


The Legendary Stardust Cowboy - "Paralyzed": Possibly the most deranged two minutes ever set to tape.

Wesley Willis - "Outburst": An ode to the sinister voices in Wesley's head. See also: "Chronic Schizophrenia"

Hasil Adkins - "We Got A Date": A sequel of sorts to the infamous "No More Hot Dogs". Hasil attempts to woo the object of his desire by vowing to cut off her head and mount it on his wall.

Toadies - "Possum Kingdom": The scariest Top 40 hit of the '90s; basically a four-minute ode to serial murder.

Comus - "Drip Drip": One of the creepiest songs ever about homicide.

The Police - "Mother": The best Oedipal rock song that isn't "The End".


Bit late on this one but im throwing this one into the mix.

Looney Tune
Lyrics by Jeffrey Delman
Music by Larry Juris

It is from the awful horror movie Deadtime Tales aka Freaky Fairytales and is played over the top of an escape scene during the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

You can hear the song here.

David M

And then there's the totally madcap performance of Leroy Pullins from the mid sixties doing "I'm A Nut" on the Kapp label. Quote: "The head on my shoulders is sorta loose, I ain't got the sense God gave a goose"

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