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January 29, 2008


Nash Roads

Weird! Way to find new things to say about the most having-stuff-said-about band ever!

Heard something today that reminded me of your series - this band called the Beatle-ettes, from the first "girls in the garage"comp. It's kinda an original song but they keep lapsing into referencing different beatles songs...

"Well I know I'm only 17/ but I'd sure like to be your queen/ I think you're grand/ You ask me to and I'm gonna let you hold my hand"

Stuff like that, very novel. It's actually a pretty raw, punky recording despite how cute it sounds...

King Daevid MacKenzie

...hmmm, Cameo-Parkway, eh? Thus Allen Klein owns these things now?...

Gaylord Fields

King Daevid, that is correct -- and quite ironic (in the Alanis meaning of the word). I was actually going to point out that little fun fact in the story, but a need for brevity precluded me from doing that. Thanks for picking up the slack.


I used to be a total Beatles nerd when I was in high school, and I remember really wanting to listen to an infamous record called "The Beetles' Beat" that would often come up in articles about The Beatles. I always hoped it would be as good as The Knickerbockers' "Lies." I never listen to The Beatles anymore, but I'd still kill to hear that record.


@version: i think this is it,

For extra awesomeness, here's the cover of the argentinian version of The Beetles' only record.


My brother had the Liverpools album and used to put it on and laugh and laugh. I caught on, but I actually learned the original songs on guitar, because it made for even more of a laugh. I never heard the chipmunks style versions of the songs, though. This is great stuff. Thanks for the reminders.

Taylor Franklin

Did anyone vote?

Be My Girl: Four Chipmunks - they hold that vocal down with more power than the Liverpools

Hey Quiet Down There: Four Chipmunks - this seems obvious to me

Did You Ever Get My Letter? : The Liverpools - These vocals seem very nice for fake Beatle bands. I'm impressed.

I love these posts even though I'm reading all of them in the summer of 2008!

thank you!

Taylor Franklin

Did anyone vote?

Be My Girl: Four Chipmunks - they hold that vocal down with more power than the Liverpools

Hey Quiet Down There: Four Chipmunks - this seems obvious to me

Did You Ever Get My Letter? : The Liverpools - These vocals seem very nice for fake Beatle bands. I'm impressed.

I love these posts even though I'm reading all of them in the summer of 2008!

thank you!


Check out this new CD! It sounds for the world like a new Beatles album with 11 new Lennon/McCartney/Harrison songs. This debut album by “The About”, titled “Iter Itineris” has received great reviews from Beatles fan clubs, Beatles radio stations, and even The Beatles former Apple Records manager, Ken Mansfield. Click on the link below for free sound clips and to read comments made about this amazing new album which is actually causing some people to ask which Beatles album these songs appeared on. The CD sounds much clearer and more powerful than the sound clips, but you can get an idea of what The About is about.


I used to have this chipmunks album. and I remember there being another NON Beatles song on it. I was wondering if by any chance there was a way to get a copy of that song.



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