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January 28, 2008



Last night's Mansfield Park episode was pure crap, somehow the producers missed the real Austen boldness of heroine Fanny Price. See, that never happened with HR Puffinstuff.



Mansfield park left me cold and I thought it was just me! Like you say, Fanny was more of an object than Austen's subject.

I'm reading Cain's "Mildred Pierce". Similar to Austen in it's amazing dialogue and prevelent message: society is set up to keep women down!

Chuck Jones

I had the Pox when I was 13 in 1983. It was the middle of the summer in Washington, D.C. and my whole body felt like it was on fire. But it was the opening week of the soap opera "Santa Barbara," and for some reason the movie "Take this job and shove it." was on every night at a different time on a different channel. I saw it at least 7 times and I ended up watching Santa Barbara for years.

Krys O.

I watched Mansfield Park and I was struck by the amateurishness of the actress playing Fanny. It turns out she was a former British teen pop star named Billie Piper. Ick! Two bits o' trivia, firstly, Roy Kinnear's son, Rory played Mr. Rushworth. He was quite good even though he played a transparent faker. And Edmund Bertram was played by Blake Ritson who was Justin to Herr Lipp in the League of Gentlemen second series.

Steve PMX

H.R. Pufnstuf rules. I got my older brother the massive DVD box set for christmas a few years ago and it never gets old.

Dave Scarbrough

I believe Billie Piper was miscast, and the scrunching of stories down to a mere 90 minutes is driving me batty. Although Northanger Abbey surprised me a bit. Catherine Morland was very acceptable under the circumstances.

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