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January 14, 2008


Dale Hazelton

mmmmm. punkin soup...

My wife cut up a pumpkin once and spread the seeds out on a cookie sheet to dry. I put it out on the front porch so the sun could dry them quicker and an hour or two later I heard a big ruckus out there. A few blue jays discovered the seeds and just about had them finished off by the time I chased them away. She dries her seeds in the oven now.

I heard that the type of pumpkins sold for decoration are not especially tasty. I think they might even be a different species from the ones that you buy in cans, which are not as photogenic.

I am very impressed with your freeform cooking style! That is how real cooks cook...

listener carl

Very good tips, thanks. Sunday Jan 27 is the JC soup swap that started up last year. People bring 4 quarts frozen homemade soup and then trade or swap. There is a post about it on JClist, or if you want more info, write me. Cheers

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