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January 06, 2008



You can see the great Milton Delugg playing the accoridon in Jolson Sings Again during the singing of Chinatown My Chinatown.


BTW: To set the record straight, Morey Amsterdam did not write Rum and Coca-Cola, he plagerized it thinking it was a folk song in the public domain. The composer, Rupert Grant, not only sued Amsterdam, he hired the great lawyer Louis Nizer. Nizer writes about this successful suit in My Life In Court (I believe. It could be in his next book The Jury Returns.)


Another great post.One tiny quibble:

"Gene Gene the Dancing Machine (dancing to the same tune as always, written by Delugg)."

That song's actually the Count Basie standard "Jumpin' at the Woodside."

David Lynch

Paul Chaplin of the show Mystery Science Theater 3000 had the following to say about Delugg, with reference to his work on "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians":

"Leonard Maltin deems it worth highlighting that Milton Delugg (what the hell kinda name is that) wrote the score. I certainly never heard of him. Delugg may have written great music for other movies, but his association with this one means his whole life was a fraud and a sickening waste. I wish he'd never been born. You hear that, Delugg? For the song at the end alone ("S-A-N-T-A, C-L-A-U-S, Hooray for Santy Claus!") I will run you down if I ever get the chance."

Guy MacPherson

Good call, Andrew. Yes, it was Jumpin' at the Woodside.

Next up: Frank DeVol?!


I commend you for being so thorough. I really appreciate it. I would've looked him up myself if you didn't.

Michael Powers

For once I don't have anything to add except that it was an entertaining column. I did look at the Broadway Open House link and Jerry Lester was a weird combination of a real talent with some rough material. I didn't know (or had forgotten) that he alternated with Morey Amsterdam since Amsterdam is seldom mentioned when the show is discussed. Lester is extremely good in the opening sequences when he sings and dances, especially since he did both so surprisingly well. In retrospect, he obviously should've let Dagmar have top billing and stuck with the show as long as he could've continued to host, I think. He was eventually, of course, followed by the greatest talk show host ever: Jack Paar. Only Dick Cavett was in Paar's league.

Michael Powers

One more thing: I think the Santa Claus in "Santa Claus" is the best one I've ever seen recorded on film by far. The actor, costume, and voice are perfect from what I can judge from the first few minutes. I'd like to see him battle the devil and I'll make a point of doing so sooner or later; wonder if that's where the much later "Santa vs. Jesus" cartoon idea came from that the guys who did "South Park" initially used to launch themselves.


To whom it may concern,need help in locating Milton DeLugg.
Micki Marlo recorded with him,at NBC and other recordings.
Last know job for Mr. DeLugg was 2007 Macy's Day Parade,on NBC in NY NY.
I tried to contact him through BMI & ASCAP,with no results.
would you please be good enough to get a contact phone number or agent,or web site,
we do know on of his publishing Co's.was in his Daughter's name Amy.
Please help this is personal.Also he can contact myself and Micki Marlo at [email protected]
Thanking you in advance,
Bobby Mayo Jr. & Micki Marlo


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