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January 29, 2008



Ice really does fall from buildings.
It's amazing if you catch it at the right time, slabs like window panes flying down and shattering on the street. Could kill you, cause accidents, etc...


Ice really does fall from buildings.
It's amazing if you catch it at the right time, slabs like window panes flying down and shattering on the street. Could kill you, cause accidents, etc...

Brooklyn Bridget

Does it fall 8 blocks away?

Dale Hazelton

This happens around the Citicorp building and Lipstick buildings too, maybe has to do with the stepback design? Wikipedia lists all the stations with transmitters on the Empire State. I'm surprised the Times couldn't find this, unless the point was that someone was being evasive....


I rather suspect that they've been testing car bomb jammers. A similar thing happened when the war was cranking up, people around some airforce bases were noticing that their car locks were jamming and garage doors opening and closing. The AF made some vague statement about testing radar. Then it became better known that a common remote detonator is a garage door opener ( you can ask an EE offline about why that works so well ).

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