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January 29, 2008



If I had never lived on the east coast, i'd say these were fake. If only...


My lab results are back and I am not related to any of those guys.


Boy you guys are STUCK UP!!! Can't a brotha have a good time with some brown paint in da club?



This reminds me of how much I LOVE NEW JERSEY!

John from Oslo

Dat aint New Jewrsay, dat is mee Bulgarian bruthas


Wow, thanks for taking the time to track down and post these photos. I haven't seen them anywhere else.


Yeah did someone set the wayback machine from 5 years ago.


Thanks you guys - I knew I had forgotten to check the entire internet before I posted some JPGs!!! Next time I will make my research a LITtle more exhaustive and hopefully avoid that embarrassment.


Well your research stretched as far as the blog you stole the pics from.


Yes, it was QUITE an effort. And have you ever tried to format 3 pictures and write surrounding copy for a blog entry? Did you see that ingenious first line I wrote??? And I included SIX links to other parts of the internet. It took the better part of my Tuesday away from me. F1R5T FTW


Look up Hannah Montana!

Chuck Jones

These and many many many photos like them appeared first on the super fantastic site: which highlights photos of attractive women with heavily gelled and pop collared losers. I have to warn you that the site is addictive and might destroy your productivity for months.


But if you do go, check out the sites "hall of scrote" to dive right in to the perfection.


I just checked out Chuck's link and I can report that everything he said is true.

Steve PMX

everyone's a Gotti

Ray DelMundo

Fucking guidos.


I hate to burst your, uh, scrote, guys, but the "hot chicks" are pretty douchey, too. Yuck.

Here's something I'd like to know: Why do so many of the subjects of these pictures (M and F) make the lips-thrust-out-pouty-kissy-mouth face? Does anyone have any empirical data for me? Been there, done that? Do tell!


the dutch raise the ante:

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