In the mid 1980's, I developed a taste for traditional Nordic music that has never really gone away since. Anytime I came across a record that looked like it might contain this type of music (usually a 45 or a 78), I snapped it up. So it was that I found a 78 by the Nordic Rhythm Boys, around 1992.
I was unusually taken with this particular song, "Johan Pa Snippen", with it lilting melody and (in this version) rapid keyboard runs, but I was also intrigued by what the record label indicated was the English translation of the title: "The Jazz Farmer", a combination of two terms that did not seem to have anything in common.
Several months later, while listening to a used, home recorded reel-to-reel tape I'd bought, I came across a recording of a TV program called "International Cafe" from circa 1958. At one point, the band struck up a catchy tune and a man with a wonderful voice and infectious energy sang, in Swedish, a melody that seemed familiar to me - I quickly realized it was the same tune I'd learned to love a few months earlier. The singer's name, as introduced, sounded like Ziggy Ferst.
I wished to know more about this singer, and the song, but didn't really get the chance to learn anything about him until after I started my music blog, where I posted this TV recording, with the question "who was he"? In quick succession, I heard from a man in Norway, and found an album by Sigge Furst (sometimes spelled "Siggi"). The album contained the exact track heard on that TV program (where he had apparently been lip synching the song), and referred to it not only as "Johan Pa Snippen", but also as "Bonn Jazz", which was translated as "Peasant Jazz", which makes more sense than "The Jazz Farmer".
My Norwegian correspondent has subsequently sent me three more versions of the song, two vocals and one instrumental. The vocal versions are both from 1962, feature the exact same backing track, and are both titled "Johan Pa Snippen Twist", yet they couldn't be more different. The first is by Ann Kristin "Grynet" Molvig, singing in Norwegian, and I have rarely heard a more infectious, life affirming performance. I just can't get enough of this one - the little shriek at about the 50 second point is intoxicating. Then we have Britt Damberg, singing in Swedish, and the contrast between her rather lifeless performance and the one by the Norwegian vocalist is stunning.
The instrumental version, which bears a close resemblance to records being made in America by The Ventures, is by a similarly named band "The Adventures". I've also included another track from the Sigge Furst album that I particularly enjoy, Samling Vid Pumpen, which translates as "Gathering at the Village Pump", something I'm sure all of us have taken part in many times. But the killer for me, as much as I love the first two versions I heard 15 years ago, is the one by Ann Kristin "Grynet" Molvig.
So what is it all about? Well, the original title was "Bonn Jazz", and "Johan Pa Snippen" is a later title, which translates as "Johan From Snippen". The original song was apparently popular enough to inspire a movie and a sequel, and although Sigge Furst was not in those films, he was a beloved Swedish actor and singer, who appeared in over a hundred films and TV shows.
A quick summary of the lyrics of the two different vocal versions, thanks to my new friend in Norway: The traditional performance (which is a "schottis") concerns Johan, who has bought an accordion, and plays it every Saturday. He is so good, his playing draws everyone in and there is a party. No one goes to the revival meetings any more, they just want to dance to Johan's, even the old people want to dance.
The twist version contains a couple who go to a dance. The singer wants to twist, and her boyfriend wants to Schottis, as one would do to "Johan Pa Snippen". There were two bands playing and they ended up dancing halfway between them, doing both styles of dance at once. They drew everyone's attention, and soon everyone was doing the Schottis-Twist.
It greatly increased my enjoyment of the Norwegian performance to know that the excitably- sung chorus translates to the following, which is repeated twice each time:
At first we tugged and pulled each other 'cause no one would dance like
the other but we cleverly solved it. We danced Johan pa Snippen twist.
the other but we cleverly solved it. We danced Johan pa Snippen twist.
Special thanks to Arne in Norway!
I really like the Ann Molvig record! I'm just picturing her, 3,000 miles from L.A., trying to decipher the lyrics of a similar-sounding American teen record, like "Pineapple Princess"...
Posted by: stu | February 28, 2008 at 12:23 AM
hmmmph...and special thanks to me that actually transferred the Johan Pa Snippen song from vinyl and gave it to Arne...
Posted by: Ole Roger | February 28, 2008 at 03:08 PM
Johan på snippen Twist
(Full deciphering of the lyrics)
Ann Kristin Grynet Molvig version.
Han Ola og jeg gikk på dans her i kveld
På marked på Mo og der ble det spell
For han vil ha Shottis og det er jo trist
Når jeg ikke liker annen dans enn Twist
(Ola and I went do the dance here last night
on the market at Mo and there it was play
Because he would dance Shottis and that was sad
since I dont like any dance but Twist)
Først dro vi til hver vår kant og halte i hverandre
ingen ville føye seg og følge med den andre
men siden løste vi twisten med list
vi danset Johan på snippen Twist//
(First we pulled different ways and tugged at each other
No one would obey and follow on the other
but we solved it with cunning
and danced Johan på snippen twist)
Det var to orkestre og det var litt slemt
om vi skulle gå fikk vi ikke bestemt
for et spilte Shottis og et spilte Twist
og vi danset mellom begge to til sist
(It was two Orchestras and that was a litle bit evil.
We could not decide to leave.
Cause one played Shottis and one played Twist
and we danced between them both in the end)
Og folk stod og så på med undring og skrekk
at de var forbauset det skal være vist
for snart var det ikke en eneste flekk
hvor de ikke annet enn Shottistwist
(And people where watching with wonder and fear
they where amazed for shure
and soon there was no spot
where no one wheren't dancing anything but Shottistwist)
Det fins ikke en gammel god melodi
som ikke kan gå til moderne twist
Er partnern partnern uenig
ja bare så vit
så skal dere se det ender med til sist
(There ain't no good old melody
that cant go to modern twist
if your partner disagrees
then you will see
It will end up at last with
that they'r going different ways and tugging at each other
First they wont obey and follow on the other
but later they'll solve it with cunning
and dance Johan på snippen twist//)
At de drar til hver sin kant og haler i hverandre
først vil ingen føye seg og følge med den andre
men siden løser de twisten med list og danser johan på snippen twist, og danset Johan på snippen twist//
og danset Johan på snippen twist...
As far as I know dancing "Johan på Snippen Twist" is dancing barely holding your partner. This solves the tugging problem quite elegantly. "Snippen" means on the edge or outer narrow corner usually hanging over some open space (abyss). Han satt på snippen av stolen: He was sitting on the outer edge of the chair. (Snipp is also used for the protruding ends of a shirt collar.)
Posted by: Ola (sic.) | February 28, 2008 at 04:28 PM
Hey there,
Thanks to you, Ole Roger - I didn't know there was another person involved in the digitizing, or I certainly wouldn't have overlooked you. Thanks for sharing with me this absolutely intoxicating performance. And thanks to Ola for the translation, although I'm confused about "snippen", as I was under the impression that it is a place name, as in "Johan, from Snippen".
Posted by: Bob Purse | February 28, 2008 at 05:37 PM
Snippen can be the name of a place, so you are right there. It would be a place conforming to the above descriptions. I.e a place that is small, corner like, and allmost falling off somwhere possible to live. Perhaps pushed into a corner bordering the forest or similar. Just take a look at the map of Norway and you will understand. "På" means on, not from. It says that you live on/at a place but is not from/born there. It would mean that you are living on the edge. (I think this is just the english expression translated directly norwegian)
Posted by: Ola | February 28, 2008 at 07:38 PM
40 years ago I purchased a 33 1/3 recording of Ake Jelving, Siggi Furst and their Old Time Swedish Dance Band playing "Swinging Swedish Schottisches and Waltzes" in which they sang and played Johan pa snippen or 'Bon Jazz' in words different than the ones you list. We memorized, although we could neither understand or speak Swedish, but had a wonderful time singing to the music. The record is old and scratched now--a friend of mine took my good record and left me his old scratched one. I have been trying to find a CD or a recording of this wonderful album. Do you know where one might be able to purchase it? DB
Posted by: David M. Buerge | April 14, 2008 at 03:54 PM
I had lots of fun listening to these old recordings. I have been living here in the US for almost 30 years but grew up in Sweden. The song actually was written in 1924 by Gideon Wahlberg as a vaudeville number and was called Bonnjazz. This title can be best translated as "Jazz in the sticks," or "Hayseed Jazz" meaning that the new genre had come to Stockholm and it was tried out in the sticks with this particular result. The later title "Johan på Snippen" was just taken from the first lines of the text and has been the more popular of the two.
I remember the Sigge Fürst version very well since it was played on the radion. I know that a compilation that was released as an LP in the 70's and updated and expanded to CD has not really been out of print but the problem is to find a place that ships to the US. I could readily find it on 2 sited that do not send outside of Sweden however, the two main sites that I use, or, could probably be persuaded to special order for anybody interested.
Of the 60s recordings, the Adventures's version was the first one to hit the charts and a new text was written for the more grown-up market. This was then used to generate the Norwegian version. I don't remember Britt Damberg very well; she had a couple of hits and then disappeared. Listening to her version I'd say she's doing a good job for a Swedish schlager singer. This was the first time I heared Grynet's version and I must say that I like it the best. (I grew up not far from the Norwegian border and have worked there so I understand and speak Norwegian well.) Of the two, if I'd had the chance to take either of them out, it would be Grynet Molvig, hands down. She was activ for a long time and had a big following in Sweden also.
The last song on your list, Sigge Fürst's "Samling vid pumpen" was hilarious. I knew the text (kinda), but it was fun to listen to it as an adult. It really is the worst kind of rabble fighting. You could liken it to a free-for-all ain any of the mountain regions here in the US. The first verse goes like this (freely but lovingly translated):
Meet at the water hole, McCoys get over here!
Alfred's been hit and is down lying bleeding
Down in the pit they're fighting the Possum Hollers
Sheriff's got it in the head and I think his gonna die
That's how it was in the the wilder parts of Sweden as well as it was here. Well, enjoyed going through the memories. Thanks for sharing.
Kent Birge
Posted by: Kent Birge | April 20, 2008 at 08:14 PM
Thanks for putting this site together. I have a contact in Sweden and will be contacting the two addresses you provided. Hopefully, I will be able once again to hear those marvelous songs and Ake Jelving's and Siggi Furst's spirited presentation. Thanks again. D. Buerge
Posted by: David M. Buerge | September 17, 2008 at 03:49 PM
Har du singeln med The Adventures "Johan på snippen"?
Posted by: Patrik Lindberg | October 06, 2008 at 04:59 PM
Hej Patrik;
Ledsen för lång ledtid. Första gången jag tittar på den här sajten sedan sommarn. Ja, jag har både en singel och mp3a utav den. Intresserad?
Posted by: Kent Birge | January 03, 2009 at 05:44 PM
The best version of Bonnjazz (imho) is by Åke Grönberg (rec: 1951)
/ Alf
Posted by: Alf | November 18, 2009 at 02:04 PM