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February 29, 2008



playing pump it or dump it can be dangerous.. be careful.

Steve PMX

that doggy picture is priceless


I can't believe Casablanca is losing.
So cow is pretty good! I think they have been played on wfmu before... I'm pretty sure i've heard their song "Moon Geun Young" on in the daytime.

Kenzo ( /

Mobius strip alert!
If you follow the Copydex link, and follow enough links from there, you may eventually reach this page, and if you read down far enough, you may find a coincidental WFMU mention.

- Kenzo

So Cow

Oh! Just saw this.
Well, I could make all my friends into vote so I can skew the figures (the myspace way)...but gah, I'll let democracy prevail!
Thanks though Megan ^.^

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