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February 05, 2008



Well this is rather exciting. I'll have to wander on over and check this out. There's plenty of bbq and mexican food all over Austin. Everything else is kind of lame, though we did have lunch at a mediterranean place recently that was surprisingly good!

E Baxter Put

Very cool!!! I live in Austin, but I mostly listen (and donate) to WFMU.

Looking forward it!


For the record, Brian, Harvey Milk will be performing as a four piece with Joe Preston being the newly minted fourth member. Should be a scream! Thanks for letting them play.


But, but, what about High on Fire, h20? What about them?


I can't say that I keep close tabs on HOF, but I know he's not been in the band for at least a year or two. He did a couple of Thrones shows down here last year with Growing, but yeah, he's on the new HM album and holy jesus, it's unreal.

Tim Serpas

I am willing to shamelessly pimp my connections to KVRX student radio and The Daily Texan student newspaper in Austin for the sake of WFMU.

$hit and $hine

can shit and shine come play your shindig?

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