Blanketship and Qulfus are the respective duo of Jared Blum and Dominic Cramp, and for the last few years have put out assorted releases beloved to WFMU (in fact Liz Berg hosted a live set here with Blanketship) full of quirky 60s/70s samples, tasty breaks, jazzy detours and that general kitchen sink aesthetic we have all grown to love. Motown Meltdown is the newest project, in their words:
"A few months ago we were introduce to a special collection of discs called the Motown Master Recordings Karaoke by Singing Machine. Each of these extraordinary discs contains '8 classic hits by the original artists.' Why are they extraordinary? For one, these are original Motown recordings! But it gets better.. The first 8 tracks are separated stereo channels, left and right. The left side; the instrumental, the right, isolated vocals all from the original sessions! "
So basically B & Q decided to do remixes using only these karaoke tracks, nothing outside allowed (drums, basslines etc.). The disc's liners claim Motown Meltdown is free for the taking, though I didn't see anything up as of today offering it on the Gigante website. I assume it's forthcoming, but in the meantime, here's "That Girl's Alright" (MP3) from Qulfus, and Blanketship's "Blanketown" (MP3).
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeasyeeeeeeee's crackin' me up. and rick james sounds completely drunktarded.hopefully more will be available soon.
Posted by: zom | March 31, 2008 at 08:20 PM
I think they took the Motorcity sound to "Git Mo" to torture it before they murdered it.
Mess with the Bull and you get the horns.
Mess with U.M.G.'s tracks and get a Cease and Desist letter,soon hopefully.
I have sampled in the past and may again in the future,but I never inhaled...whatever these guys did.
Posted by: D.J. | March 31, 2008 at 09:35 PM
I think they took the Motorcity sound to "Git Mo" to torture it before they murdered it.
Mess with the Bull and you get the horns.
Mess with U.M.G.'s tracks and get a Cease and Desist letter,soon hopefully.
I have sampled in the past and may again in the future,but I never inhaled...whatever these guys did.
Posted by: D.J. | March 31, 2008 at 09:36 PM
from the linksite, blanketship has the best free mp3's of the lot of artists, IMO.
better than the motown stuff. the other bands are just stuttered out bleep noise. to each their own.
Posted by: zom | March 31, 2008 at 09:45 PM
hi y'all
the full album is available for download FREE at:
Posted by: blanketship | April 02, 2008 at 03:23 PM