...or BAP!! and H.E.D. as they are more commonly known. Two hardcore bands from the mid 80s whose music videos blew my mind this week. On the left is BAP!!, hailing from the Basque country. From the first watch, I wasn't sure if the Minor Threat informed high octane hardcore meshed too well with the Christian imagery of the video, but that's exactly what got me to begin to appreciate the band's art-punk undercurrents. OOOHHH I just love cuspy, transitional periods in music!
The H.E.D. vid grabs me for a slightly different reason: it's a pretty early case of another one of Minor Threat's descendants, hard line straight edge. And although it doesn't predate Bad Brain's Right Brigade (first mosh part ever, if you don't count Helter Skelter - listen to it again, it's a total mosh anthem, trust me), it's still waaayy moshy for 1985...were kids floorpunching at this point or did that come later? p.s. this vid comes from Back Porch video, an old public access show whose history, now available on youtube, is worth digging through.
Wait...did they put the boot in because he had a mullet?!?
Ha ha ha!
Posted by: ix | March 26, 2008 at 02:24 PM
nice. looks like h.e.d are giving street justice to a smiths fan.
Posted by: jeff | March 27, 2008 at 01:43 PM
BAP drummer later became a member of Negu Gorriak, great Basque band.
Posted by: The Glorious Lucifer | March 29, 2008 at 04:42 PM