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March 18, 2008



yess, please enjoy your current unemployment for the rest of us! what, are we saving all our money perpetually until we're too sick of life to enjoy anything that money might bring?

i'd say after a while a job is helpful in that it presents something time-wasting/annoying that propels you to treasure your free time, but that doesn't mean you ain't fulfilled without one!


st vincent

Right on, Pseu!!!

I went through the same experience three years ago. My management job at a non-profit (lest you think I made the big bucks... HA...) was the victim of a reorganization and I was cast aside like an old sock. Fortunately for me, I saw it coming and prepared as best I could. Although I've always lived frugally, I put away more $$$ than usual and stayed out of debt. Thus, when the poop hit the fan blades, I was in relatively good shape.

Despite my preparations, I still suffered the grinding angst of joblessness. Feeling lost, scrabbling and flailing about searching for work, feeling sorry for myself, still identifying with my old gig, letting the whole situation erode my sense of well-being into dust. A few months of this did nothing but make me crazy.

I eventually saw what was happening and said ENOUGH. I found myself an on-call temp job to cover my bills, one where I didn't have to accept work if I didn't want to. I then set about doing all of the things I didn't or couldn't do when I had a full-time job: visiting friends, fixing up my house, planting a vegetable garden, finally getting into long distance cycle touring, getting into shape, learning how to play the guitar. I had one of the best summers I can remember as an adult. And the best part: solo budget vacations! I spent two weeks camping out at my favorite mountain, another week cycling up to a friend's beach cabin (where I got to stay for free in exchange for some car repair work). And lots and lots of daytrips.

Mind you, it wasn't all roses and I knew the fun would end if I wasn't careful. I was so tight with money that I squeaked. Paying for health insurance alone damn near wiped out my budget each and every month. My resume took a hit and I'm still patching it up. That said, given the same circumstances, I would do it all again in a New York minute.

Preparing for and then taking the time to get off the employment train was one of the sanest things I've ever done.

Savor your break, Pseu, and enjoy every minute of it!


Welcome back to the ranks of the jobless! Unfortunately, my unemployment insurance just ran out, and I've used up a lot of my savings, so I'm scrabbling around trying to find some work. I hope I don't end up wearing a paper hat down at the local Burger Boy.

But worse than that, I don't think I've used my time of unemployment very well, except for seven weeks spent overseas, and a few days volunteering for a certain wonderful radio station. I haven't even seen my friends lately. And even though I've always been extremely frugal (due to largely rejecting most of the principles of our sick consumer culture), I'm getting tired of being "so tight with money that I squeak" as St. Vincent put it. The rice-and-beans thing is getting old. Time to smear more resumes all across the web.


Oh my Gawd! Pseu, your words speak to me like YOU KNOW NOT HOW. I have never used health insurance more than I have lately, and it's all because of work-related stress and illness! Those full-time, permanent gigs will kill you (I can hardly breathe as I type this.) People look at me cross-eyed when I say it, but now that you've put it in print on BoTB it must be true—my job makes me sick, hence health insurance is required—it's really that simple. Can I please be fired, too?


Sleep late a few days, you've earned it.


Excellent news Pseu! And hopefully yr future work-for-money will be rewarding without the stress.

Check this out:


We'll all be joining you soon enough. Bush and his cronies have wrecked the economy and wiped out whatever modicum of a safety net the country had left. Hard times follow Republicans. This is just the beginning. People truly don't understand how bad it is.


good for you to enjoy the break and see it for what it is. that's why we listen to your show've got eyes and can see the forest for the trees. just be sure to give in to the urge to shred your ambitious to-do list for a lifestyle of booze and dark chocolate.

mazeltov on your sabbatical!

Cyber Rainbow

Happy Unemployment Day! do they have a hallmark card for that?

Cpr For Health Professional

What health care problem should I address in a statistics assignment?

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