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March 20, 2008


don buddin

Thanks a lot. Really fabulous. I thought you may want to know that Vociferous is blank?

Homosexual's website

Bruno Wizard has departed NYC.. and my couch which he slept on all day before venturing out all night every night he was in town. He requested that WFMU link to his web site.


The bass player is sick! wow.

Bruno Wizard

HI This Bruno Wizard here..Someone just posted this link to me on my Facebook page and I am eternally grateful to WFMU for posting this material.There is so much disparate info and ephemera floating around in cyber space that I am still now finding pages like this.I dont have a recording of this event for myself so it is brillliant to be able to come here whenever I want. I am now in London working on new recordings and doing various live shows.I am also writing about my adventures in Po Culture in a new online magazine called The Music Press .Simply click the link and then my name Bruno Wizard
As for the other members of The Homosexuals that played so well that day in Austin, the standout players were the bass player and the guitarist from Apache Beat who did indeed play better than the original members Mike the bass player is probably in the Top Three bass players I have ever played with x)...................As for the drummer and other guitarist, for their own reasons they "imploded" on me back in New York and turned out to be messengers and supporters of the very "industry" that I have avoided throughout my creative career!!! Indeed the drummer has been emailing artist friends of mine in London calling me a SOCIOPATH haha. ( before anybody starts threatening LIBEL Lawsuits, of course I have emails of everything and libel only applies to UNTRUTHS !)) Perhaps it was something to do with me refusing to give him $20,000 for some tracks recorded on DOWNTIME in his studio !!! Who knows what goes on in the minds of these money and fame worshippers..Anyways that is all a story for another time. Thanks again WFMU for this fantastic page.. AS soon as I return to New York my first stop will be to do a LIVE session for W.F.M.U...... for the the the people.. For anyone reading this fell free to hit me up on Facebook and keep abreast of my activities. Long live W.F.M.U xxxx Blessings bruno

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