I'm the kind of guy who misses magazines. Before this whole Internet thing, the best way (aside from people) to learn about new and weird music was from actual paper pages, magazines both big and small. I can remember being turned on to whole universes by The Wire or Bananafish or 50 Miles of Elbow Room, scrounging for links (pre-hyperlink) that would yet again lead me to something new. Plus, they're portable in a way my phone's web browser just is not. So, I was kind of excited to read issue #1 of Eartrip. Yes, it is downloadable (pdf). No, it's not an actual magazine. But it sure reminds of the days when I poured over review after review and took a chance on some freak artist.
Eartrip is clearly a labor of love: the record reviews, gig reviews, and longer pieces (on Cecil Taylor and Anthony Braxton, Mike and Kate Westbrook, jazz blogs, Paul Rutherford and William Parker, etc.) were mostly penned by purported WFMU listener David Grundy, 204 pages(!). The time and care it must have taken to listen, research, write and assemble is mindboggling, but I thank him for his efforts. And while, I don't always agree with David's assessments, that's hardly the point. The breadth and enthusiasm eludes minor quibbles. I have yet to get through the whole thing, but am enjoying the process. In case you missed 2007 in jazz, improv and "other," or even if you were there, check out Eartrip. And hey, I know it was Earth Day today but I'm tempted to print and staple, for old times sake. Also, looks like you can actually order a hard copy.