While Dr. Seuss may have quietly but most assuredly extolled the virtues of LSD, some kids' authors are being a little less subtle when it comes to the Sweet Leaf. Follow the pictoral excerpts from the new publication It's Just A Plant and get involved in your kids' choices. Bryce thinks maybe this kid has already made her choice. However, I think what really should be outlawed is taking your kid bike riding wearing Sgt. Pepper garb, but who am I to judge. (Thanks for link, Tom Lax.)
I think you do a disservice to the author with your title. The book quite clearly says pot is not for kids. Yeah, I know, you're trying to be funny, but those opposed to legalization have no sense of humor and they will pick up on your comment and ignore the real message.
Posted by: Dr. Leaf | April 24, 2008 at 10:40 PM
What's the deal with that doctor's office? Is she muggin' or what?
Posted by: Jonny | April 25, 2008 at 01:16 AM
Bike riding wearing Sgt. Pepper garb, but wearing a bike helmet no?
Posted by: David G | April 25, 2008 at 01:57 AM
I swear, those people were my neighbors when I lived in Park Slope in the 80's. How did they get so far uptown on their bikes?
Posted by: K | April 25, 2008 at 01:34 PM
Hey Mr Pleeceman, don't be hurtin' the nice mens and filling the nice little girl's head with all sorts of Drug War bullshit about "marijuana is more powerful now than in the 1960's" and "drug use is evil and immoral."
Those guys must have been really baked. If I heard somebody yell, "You guys are smoking MARIJUANA!" I would have beat Richard Pryor's record in the 100 yard dash.
Posted by: wandrew | April 27, 2008 at 06:57 PM