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April 23, 2008



This is AWESOME!!! I can't thank you enough for this kind. True ghetto junkyard jazz -- this thing is alive and moving


truly the most awesome thing I have heard in ages. awesome!


I'll third the notion-- this is incredible! Whatta find!!


the Exotic Prince was a pseudynym for a guitarist/bandleader out of Saint Louis named Art Jackson. Unfortunately, that's about all I've ever heard about it.

steven/fire museum records

i'm going to try to track this gent down - what an incredible find!

Doug Schulkind

If, in fact, Exotic Prince IS Art Jackson, here is some possibly relevant info:

Julian Cope's review of "Gout" by Art Jackson's Atrocity

Here is a still active download of the album "Gout."

I haven't checked any of this out yet, but I am seriously intrigued.

Jonathan Steinke

Neither KDHX nor the Riverfront Times mentions Art Jackson (which is rather peculiar, seeing as St. Louisans WORSHIP their hometown musicians) so, yes, it IS an incredible find!!


Oh wow, Doug, thanks for the link. "Gout" is amazing.

This Your Exotic Prince record is pretty damn awesome too. I think Side A is stronger than Side B, but still, what a glorious racket.

The Central Snoosinizer

If you're digging The Exotic Prince

(and I am, a lot! Thanks for the sounds! Went and got GOUT as well, which I've been curious about for some time, and it's on deck)

you may enjoy this music, also:

scroll down the page and you will find mp3s

There IS no Art Jackson's Atrocity.


I don't get it. Why do you guys think Art Jackson is exotic prince? His name's not on the cover. Art Jackson was supposedly a guitarist, but there isn't any prominant guitar on here (unless he switched to banjo?) If there is any actual biographical material on him on the web somewhere, please direct me to it because I couldn't find any. According to this newspaper clipping:

Art Jackson was from Tampa, FL.

Love the music, in any case, thanks!

Art Jackson was from St. Louis. He migrated to Florida.

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