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April 29, 2008



If we're talking younger generation folks here, I'd also throw in Jersey City's own Nate Wooley and Chicagoan Jaime Branch. Both are quite dynamic players who often go to the more textural, minimalist approach familiar to fans of Nmpereign and Axel Dörner.


Right on with the Peter Evans! Great stuff; thanks for the post.


thanks for the tuneage as ever! god i love wfmu...

listening to these tracks reminds me of when i used to work with a dude who played trumpet in a traditional british brass band (some of us still like that stuff here in derbyshire!)... one day he asked me to make a tape of jazz for him, because he was getting restless playing oom-pah type shit, but sadly i was fired before i could turn himn on to miles davis....

i always wished i could've handed over the tape before i left, now i wish i'd had these tunes to adorn the miles-less space on the b-side - he'd have been impressed, albeit maybe not as impressed as i am!

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