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April 23, 2008


Mr Fab

Thanks for the links to the Tellus tapes. But I warn you all: do NOT attempt to read the liner notes if you are a simple sun-baked Californian such as I, e.g. random quote from the "Power Electronics" tape:

"If the ultra-dissemination of the sign in electronic-based sound art may create such phantasmagorical hyper-logics of use to the formation of art, "Power Electronics" and "Media Myth"'s potential may prove useful in questioning received notions of representation when viewed against assumptions of utility versus pleasure."

Uh...thanks for sharing...


Somewhat less critically, thanks for pointing out the addition of "Dinner with Henry Miller." I have wanted to see that since reading about it several years ago. He really didn't like his dinner very much at all, but WOW - what a fantastically entertaining storyteller.

I'm sure that even those unfamiliar with Miller's work can enjoy this.


Good to see the Henry Miller dinner. He was a hero of mine back in my college days. 53 year olds don't have heros, do they? Anyway, besides enjoying seeing him, I noticed the paintings (one a Picasso?) and the speaker (KLH? AR?, long and thin so a unique model...).

Don't cha know?

Brian in OR

Wow -- thanks for the update Kenny -- ubuweb continues its run as one of the best reasons to sit in an electromagnetic field.

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