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Tellus Audio Cassettes (1983-1993)
UbuWeb is pleased to present the entire run of the legendary New York-based Tellus audio cassette magazine. Originally a subscription-based bimonthly publication, the series took full advantage of the popular cassette medium to promote cutting edge music, documenting the New York scene and advanced US composers of the time. Highlight issues include: All Guitars! (1985), The Sound of Radio (1985), Just Intonation (1986), Audio By Visual Artists (1988), The Voice of Paul Bowles (1989) and Flux Tellus (1990). Featuring hundreds of artists including Marcel Duchamp, Alison Knowles, Sonic Youth, Joan Jonas, George Brecht, Pauline Oliveros, John Zorn, Richard Prince, Glenn Branca, Harry Partch and Mike Kelley. Tellus cassettes were edited by Joseph Nechvatal, Claudia Gould and Carole Parkinson. This UbuWeb feature is presented in conjuction with Continuo's Weblog. Produced for UbuWeb by Steve McLaughlin.
Dada Magazine, Issues 1, 2, 3 (1917-1918)
Attempting to promulgate Dada ideas throughout Europe, Tristan Tzara launched the art and literature review Dada. Appearing in July 1917, the first issue of Dada, subtitled Miscellany of Art and Literature, featured contributions from members of avant-garde groups throughout Europe, including Giorgio de Chirico, Robert Delaunay, and Wassily Kandinsky. Marking the magazine's debut, Tzara wrote in the Zurich Chronicle, "Mysterious creation! Magic Revolver! The Dada Movement is Launched." Issue 2 appeared in December of 1918. Issue number 3 violated all the rules and conventions in typography and layout and undermined established notions of order and logic. Printed in newspaper format in both French and German editions, it embodies Dada's celebration of nonsense and chaos with an explosive mixture of manifestos, poetry, and advertisements - all typeset in randomly ordered lettering. Included is Tzara's "Dada Manifesto of 1918," which was read at Meise Hall in Zurich on July 23, 1918, and is perhaps the most important of the Dadaist manifestos. See also Helmut Herbst's film Deutschland Dada (1969), Hans Richter's films and Tristan Tzara's sound poems in UbuWeb Sound which is strewn with historical and rare recordings from dozens of Dadaists.
Dinner With Henry Miller (1979)
Dinner With Henry is a rare, 30-minute documentary about Henry Miller. It is exactly what the title implies: footage of Henry having dinner. With him at the table is the film crew, and actress/model Brenda Venus, to whom Henry was enamoured in the final years of life. Henry - at age 87 - spends the majority of his time speaking on a number of subjects, the most persistent of which is Blaise Cendrars. Occasionally, he complains about the food. That is all: a curious "slice of life" for any Miller fan who likes to imagine being at the table with him.
David Cronenberg on Andy Warhol (2006)
A guided tour of the "Andy Warhol / Supernova: Stars Death and Disasters, 1962-1964" exhibit at the Art Gallery of Ontario, conceived and narrated by renowned filmmaker David Cronenberg. Cronenberg says, "Andy was making underground films when I was making underground films. And I was more inspired by him than by Hollywood. He created himself: He was an outsider, a Slovakian, Catholic, gay, an artist, poor; an outsider in his own family, a triple outsider like Kafka, with his nose pressed against the New York window. And, he became the ultimate insider, the center of his own world, and drew people to him. He became a huge example of the invention of an identity." Commentary by David Cronenberg, Mary-Lou Green, Dennis Hopper, David Moos, James Rosenquist and Amy Taubin.
Sam Taylor-Wood: Video Works (1998 - 2003)
Sam Taylor-Wood makes photographs and films that examine, through highly charged scenarios, our shared social and psychological conditions. Taylor-Wood's work examines the split between being and appearance, often placing her human subjects - either singly or in groups - in situations where the line between interior and external sense of self is in conflict. Films here include: Brontosaurus (1995), Knackered (1996), Method in Madness (1998), Hysteria (1999), A Little Death (2002), Breach (2001) Mute (2001), Pietà (2001), Still Life (2001) and Ascension (2003). Presented in partnership with Art Torrents.
All Avant-Garde All The Time - UbuWeb Podcast #3: The Sound of Aspen Magazine
Produced by The Poetry Foundation, UbuWeb is pleased to announce the latest in its podcast series, focusing on Ubu's hidden treasures. This podcast gives a guided tour of UbuWeb's collection of audio featured on Aspen Magazine: the Multimedia Magazine in a Box, published between 1965 and 1971. Artists featured include Samuel Beckett, William S. Burroughs, John Cage, John Cale and The Velvet Underground, Marcel Duchamp, John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Jackson Mac Low, Morton Feldman, Gordon Mumma and Angus Maclise.
Alan Licht - Conceptual Soundworks (2003-2004)
Four previously unavailable compositions. Includes "Rashomon" where the film Rashomon by Akira Kurosawa was shown with the sound turned down. The audience was asked to read the subtitles aloud, together; "Twilight of the Idols," in which the audio levels of Led Zeppelin's untitled fourth album are manipulated; and two outtakes from his A New York Minute CD, "Bridget O'Riley," a mashup of Blondie and The Who's "We Won't Get Fooled Again" and "A New York Minute," the original uncut version, consisting of a month's worth of weather reports from a New York AM radio station. You can also read three of Alan Licht's conceptual written works [PDF] in UbuWeb's Publishing the Unpublishable series.
The Western Round Table on Modern Art (1949)
Rare proceedings and documentation from this important conference that took place in San Francisco in April of 1949. Participants included Marcel Duchamp, Frank Lloyd Wright, Arnold Schoenburg, Mark Tobey, Darius Milhaud, Alfred Frankenstein, Gregory Bateson, Kenneth Burke, Robert Goldwater and Andrew C. Richie. Documentation includes over 9 hours of audio tape, transcriptions and photographs. Organizer Douglas MacAgy writes, "The object of the Round Table was to bring a representation of the best informed opinion of the time to bear on questions about art today (1949). A set of neat conclusions, as to the outcome of the conference, was neither expected nor desired. Rather, it was hoped that progress would be made in the exposure of hidden assumptions, in the uprooting of obsolete ideas, and in the framing of new questions." Curated for UbuWeb by Colby Ford.
Five Rare Books From the 1960s by Bern Porter
Several of Porter's books from the 1960s are gathered here on UbuWeb, three of them for the first time anywhere, with an essay by Porter's collaborator and literary executor, Mark Melnicove. Titles include: Aphasia (1961), cut and assembled commercial and soft news language into a found poetry that is still original and fresh; Scandinavian Summer (1961), where Porter cut out pages from Scandinavian, Russian, and American newspaper archives at random, bound them together, and called the result a book; 468B Thy Future (1966), a book written entirely in computer code; The Wastemaker (1926-1961) where texts are divorced from their sources and disguised in a new tone, not intended by the original author; and Dieresis (1969) where the photographs in the book are the modern equivalents of ancient ideograms, capable of being read as texts. Melnicove writes in his introduction: "As reproduced here on UbuWeb, you can all but touch the books. What was prohibitively expensive almost fifty years ago for Porter -- the full-color reproduction of his pages -- is today's electronic commonplace. You can view his titles as a series of double-page spreads, not so foreign from the experience of holding and turning a Bern Porter book with your 'real' hands." See also Porter's UbuWeb Sound page and Porter's page in our Historical section.
All Avant-Garde All The Time - UbuWeb Podcast #2: The World of Outsiders
Produced by The Poetry Foundation, UbuWeb is pleased to announce the latest in its podcast series, focusing on Ubu's hidden treasures. As the site has grown so large, these occasional audio guides might shed some light on things you may have overlooked, forgotten about or simply never knew about. This podcast gives a guided tour of UbuWeb's collection of outsider audio. Artists include Antonin Artaud, Jim Roche, Bern Porter, Francis E. Dec, Benjamin Weismann and Sean Landers amongst others. You can subscribe to our podcast here.
Julian Schnabel - Every Silver Lining Has A Cloud (1995)
With the Oscars just around the corner, it's nice to remind ourselves that not everything Julian Schnabel touches turns to gold. This record was made between his art star days and his current Hollywood reign with such great players as Funkadelic keyboardist Bernie Worrell, Golden Palomino drummer Anton Fier, and jazz arranger Henry Threadgill, but was universally panned upon its release in 1995. As one reviewer put it, "Schnabel can be described as a cross between Michael Bolton and Leonard Cohen, but unfortunately he writes songs like Bolton and sings like Cohen instead of the other way around... a combination of treacly sentiment, pretentious poesy, tuneless croaking, and minimalist melodies."
Harun Farocki - Selected Works (1967-2001)
Born in 1944, Farocki has made close to 90 films, including three feature films, essay films and documentaries. He has worked in collaboration with other filmmakers as a scriptwriter, actor and producer. Featured here are ten of Farocki's films: Die Worte Des Vorsitzenden (1967), Inextinguishable Fire (1969), Wie man sieht (As You See) (1986), Leben-BRD [How to Live in the German Federal Republic] (1989), Images Of The World And The Inscription Of War (1989), Schnittstelle/interface (1995), Arbeiter verlassen die Fabrik [Workers leaving the Factory] (1995), Stilleben (Still Life) (1997), I Thought I Was Seeing Convicts (2001) and The Creator of Shopping Worlds (2001). Also featured in Jill Godmilow's What Farocki Taught (1998), a remake of Farocki's Inextinguishable Fire. A collaborative film with Helke Sander Break the Power of the Manipulators (1967/68) is also featured. You can watch a documentary about Farocki Dokumentarisch Arbeiten Modell/Realität - C.Hübner im Gespräch mit H. Farocki (2004). This UbuWeb resource is a collaboration with UbuWeb's partner Art Torrents.
Henri Chopin (1922-2008)
UbuWeb mourns the loss of the great pioneer sound poet, who passed away on January 3, 2008 at his home in England. You can hear his audio, watch videos of him or read his 1967 manifesto "Why I Am The Author of Sound Poetry and Free Poetry." He will be missed.
Publishing the Unpublishable, First Series (001-032)
What constitutes an unpublishable work? It could be many things: too long, too experimental, too dull; too exciting; it could be a work of juvenilia or a style you've long since discarded; it could be a work that falls far outside the range of what you're best known for; it could be a guilty pleasure or it could simply be that the world judges it to be awful, but you think it's quite good. We've all got a folder full of things that would otherwise never see the light of day. Invited authors were invited to ponder to that question. The works found here are their responses, ranging from an 1018-page manuscript (unpublishable due to its length) to a volume of romantic high school poems written by a now-respected innovative poet. The web is a perfect place to test the limits of unpublishability. With no printing, design or distribution costs, we are free to explore that which would never have been feasible, economically and aesthetically. While this exercise began as an exploration and provocation, the resultant texts are unusually rich; what we once considered to be our trash may, after all, turn out to be our greatest treasure.
365 Days Project 2007 Complete
December 31 ended this year's run of the 365 Days Project. Thanks for visiting, reading and listening through this very fun year of sharing. A huge mountain of gratitude goes out to all the contributors who shared this year! You can view the archived site for both 2003 and 2007 editions here (mirrored at WFMU). -- Otis Fodder, Curator
Six Videos by Pierre Huyghe (1999-2004)
Pierre Huyghe explores the territory of reality and fiction, creating a site of convergence for interpretation, representation, and transformation. His work incorporates film, objects, and staged events such as celebrations, puppet shows, and musicals to address how we construct and translate experience. Although the final artwork often takes the form of a projected image, Huyghe's primary interest lies in the production of situations. Videos include: A Journey That Wasn't (2005), Les Grands Ensembles (2001), One Million Kingdoms (2001), Streamside Day Follies (2003) and This Is Not A Time For Dreaming (2004). Presented in collaboration with UbuWeb's new partner Art Torrents.
--- Spring 2008 :: NEW ADDITIONS ---
John Baldessari - I Will Not Make Any More Boring Art (1971); John Baldessari Sings Sol Lewitt (1972); The Meaning of Various News Photos to Ed Henderson (1973)
Tacita - Dean Kodak (2006)
La Monte Young, editor - An Anthology of Chance Operations (1963)
Robert Smithson - text of "Hotel Palenque" (1969-72)
Pat O'Neill - Water and Power (1989)
C.C. Hennix - Electric Harpsichord No. 1
Antonio Gaudi - Documentary (1984)
Tellus 15: The Improvisors (1986) John Zorn, Bill Frisell, Christian Marclay, Fred Frith and many others
Tellus #17 - Video Arts Music (1987) Jean Paul Curtay, Ann-Sargent Wooster, Woody Vasulka, Peter Rose and many others
Tellus #20 - Media Myth (1988) Crawling With Tarts, Nicolas Collins, Joseph Nechvatal and many others
Nam June Paik - Beatles Electroniques (1966-69)
Dan Graham - Performer/Audience/Mirror (1975)
Ben Lewis - Art Safari: Matthew Barney (2005)
Maria Anna Tapeiner - The Body as a Matrix: Matthew Barney's Cremaster Cycle (2002)
Tellus 10: All Guitars! (1985) Lee Ranaldo, Butthole Surfers, Bob Mould, Thurston Moore and many others
Tellus 2 (1984) Kiki Smith, David Garland, Jamie Daglish, Willoughby Sharp and many others
Tellus 12: Dance (1986)
Lynda Benglis - Female Sensibility (1974)
Hollis Frampton - Gloria! (1979)
Terayama Shuji - Phototheque imaginaire de Shuji Terayama, les gens de la famille Chien Dieu (photographs; 1975)
Salvador Dali - Radioscopie De Jacques Chancel - Interview (French language; 1971)
John Roach - Simultaneous Translation (2007)
François Dufrene - Crirhythms, Osmose-Art and various works (1958-70)
Carolee Schneeman - Meat Joy (1964)
Ulay - Action in 14 predetermined Sequences: There is a Criminal Touch to Art (1975)
Mike Kelley - Test Room Containing Multiple Stimuli Known to Elicit Curiosity and Manipulatory Responses (1999)
Michael Taylor - Lecture on Alfred Jarry's Ubu Roi (2008)
Tellus 23: Paul Bowles Historical musical and literary works
Tellus 16: Tango with Carlos Gardel, David Garland, Fast Forward and many others (1991)
Tellus 13: Power Electronics with Merzbow, Rhys Chatham, Controlled Bleeding and many others (1986)
Tellus 26: Jewel Box with Catherine Jauniaux & Ikue Mori, Sapphire, Mary Ellen Childs and many others (1992)
Ryan Trecartin - I-Be AREA (2007)
Richard Serra - Hand Catching Lead (1968)
Ant Farm - Dirty Dishes (1968-1978)
C.C. Hennix - Dutch National Radio Broadcast (2005)
Hollis Frampton - Nostalgia (1971)
Group 180 - Works by Reich, Szezmo, Rzewski and others (1980, 1985)
Jaap Blonk - Vocalor (1998)
Alexander Ross (painter) - Grandfather Paradox (1989)
Charles Simonds - Five Films (1972-74), with Rudy Burckhardt
Tellus 5-6: Audio Visual Issue with Louise Lawler, Richard Prince, David Wojnarowicz and many others (1984)
Sophie Calle & Greg Shepard - No Sex Last Night aka Double-Blind (1992)
Tuli Kupferberg - No Deposit, No Return (1964)
Yvonne Rainer - Journeys from Berlin/1971 (1980)
Robert Smithson & Nancy Holt - East Coast West Coast (1969)
Tellus 1 with Rhys Chatham, Glenn Branca, Sonic Youth and many others (1983)
Tellus 3 with Christopher Knowles, Gregory Whitehead and many others (1984)
Tellus 4 with Ellen Fullman, Paul Dresher, Julius Eastman and many others (1984)
Gordon Matta-Clark - City Slivers (1976)
Hans Ulrich Obrist - Arkipelag TV (2000), with Alexander Kluge, Dan Graham, Douglas Gordon, Rosemarie Trockel and others
Johan Grimonprez - Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y (1998)
Derek Beaulieu - Flatland (2007)
Harun Farocki - Dokumentarisch Arbeiten Modell/Realitat - C.Hubner im Gesprach mit H. Farocki (2004)
Martha Rosler - Vital Statistics of a Citizen, Simply Obtained (1977)
Julian Cooper - Reyner Banham Loves Los Angeles (1972)
Yvonne Rainer - Film About A Woman Who... (1974)
Robert Whitman - Performances from the 1960s
Sean Landers - The Man Within (1991) [MP3]
Mauricio Kagel - Die Zeit überwinden - Der Komponist Mauricio Kagel (2007)
Chicago '82: A Dip in the Lake John Cage, Glenn Branca, Meredith Monk, Charlemagne Palestine, Harold Budd and many others (1982) [MP3]
Mike Kelley - -Extracurricular Activity & Superman Recites Selections from 'The Bell Jar' and Other Works by Sylvia Plath (1999 - 2000)
Gordon Matta-Clark - Conical Intersect (1975)
Gordon Matta-Clark - Splitting, Bingo/Ninths, Substrait (Underground Dailies) (1974-1976)
Helke Sander and Harun Farocki - Break the Power of the Manipulators (1967/68)
Paul Lansky - Artifice (1976) [MP3]
Jill Godmilow - What Farocki Taught (1998)
Martin Kippenberger - Greatest Hits [MP3]
Joseph Beuys - Art into Society - Society into Art (at the ICA, London. May, 1974) [MP3]
David Soldier & Kurt Vonnegut - A Soldier's Story [MP3]
Tellus #7 The Word
Tellus #8 USA/Germany
Tellus #9 Music With Memory
Tellus #11 The Sound of Radio (1985)
Tellus #14 Just Intonation (1986)
Tellus #22 False Phonemes (1988)
Bas Jan Ader - Selected Works (1970-1971)
Robert Fitterman - Sprawl (Video, 2007)
Jean/Hans Arp - Soundworks (1913-1961)
UBUWEB :: Spring 2008
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Apologies for cross-postings. Please forward.
Thanks for the links to the Tellus tapes. But I warn you all: do NOT attempt to read the liner notes if you are a simple sun-baked Californian such as I, e.g. random quote from the "Power Electronics" tape:
"If the ultra-dissemination of the sign in electronic-based sound art may create such phantasmagorical hyper-logics of use to the formation of art, "Power Electronics" and "Media Myth"'s potential may prove useful in questioning received notions of representation when viewed against assumptions of utility versus pleasure."
Uh...thanks for sharing...
Posted by: Mr Fab | April 23, 2008 at 05:44 PM
Somewhat less critically, thanks for pointing out the addition of "Dinner with Henry Miller." I have wanted to see that since reading about it several years ago. He really didn't like his dinner very much at all, but WOW - what a fantastically entertaining storyteller.
I'm sure that even those unfamiliar with Miller's work can enjoy this.
Posted by: Takakao | April 24, 2008 at 03:00 AM
Good to see the Henry Miller dinner. He was a hero of mine back in my college days. 53 year olds don't have heros, do they? Anyway, besides enjoying seeing him, I noticed the paintings (one a Picasso?) and the speaker (KLH? AR?, long and thin so a unique model...).
Don't cha know?
Posted by: Lipwak | April 24, 2008 at 01:07 PM
Wow -- thanks for the update Kenny -- ubuweb continues its run as one of the best reasons to sit in an electromagnetic field.
Posted by: Brian in OR | April 24, 2008 at 01:33 PM