We've been keeping it somewhat of a secret for a while, but you know, bloggers tend to get the scoop before anyone (even if they were off a couple miles by location), so the cat is out of the bag as of this week. Sonic Youth and the reunited Feelies are playing a free show in Battery Park on July 4th which is damn exciting alone, but also the show is being presented by the Downtown Alliance and River to River Festival, with special support from WFMU. We're totally psyched to be involved in this auspicious occasion (and especially glad that one of the bands on the bill happens to be one of the greatest New Jersey combos in history! Go New Jersey!) Besides having a set-up at the show, we'll also be giving away tickets (yeah we know it's free, but honestly, it's destined to be a capacity crowd) so tune in for further details. Our funding for WFMU's contribution towards this event has been culled from none other than the deposed Governor Spitzer himself, and this grant has not only paved the way for WFMU Free Music Archive project but also the two free-to-the-masses Southpaw shows we put on in 2007 (Major Stars / Flaming Fire / Jonathan Kane's February / DJ/Rupture, plus Oneida / Alan Vega / Simply Saucer / Old Time Relijun). Right now, keep an eye on River To River's website, where you can sign up for R2R Wire ticket announcements (this sign up is supposed to be available to the public May 1st). This is our 2nd 50th Anniversary concert as well, with more in the works in 2008. Visual previews:
Sonic Youth "Incinerate" (live on Letterman)
The Feelies "Away" (live 1988 on Mouth To Mouth)
Ah, so you guys had a hand in this! Congrats FMU. The Feelies have been my "white whale" for many years and I can't wait for this show.
Hopefully River to River will make tickets easy to get for out of town fans. I no longer live in NYC, but I'm planning a special trip up just to see the show. Given that many other people are probably doing the same, I would be happy if WFMU could make sure that R-R makes tickets are easily available to people who don't live in NYC.
Posted by: BTH | April 12, 2008 at 06:08 PM
I am THERE! Both, but especially The FEELIES!
Posted by: mary jane | April 12, 2008 at 08:31 PM
You need to fix the link to the Feelies site. Too many http's I think
Posted by: joisy | April 13, 2008 at 11:56 AM
Please please let us know how to get tickets if we don't live in NY! I'm hoping to travel in from Arizona for the show.
Also - any word on if it's the full Feelies line-up (including Bill?).
Thanks for making this happen!
Posted by: Sonia | April 13, 2008 at 02:28 PM
Sonia, as soon as we find out how the free tickets will be distributed, we will let people know on the blog and home page for WFMU and on air. Keep in mind though we're not actually putting on the show, Downtown Alliance and River To River will be, we're just contributing to its production and will have a presence at the show. River to River's site might be worth bookmarking to keep an eye out as well; though again, as soon as we have the info this will be posted.
We mainly just wanted to mention the show since the news has gotten out already. More details forthcoming.
Posted by: Brian Turner | April 13, 2008 at 03:43 PM
Oh yes, and from what I understand as far as lineup, it is the Feelies just as they have left off in 1991. Bill is in the above pic practicing with the band a few weeks back.
Posted by: Brian Turner | April 13, 2008 at 03:45 PM
Very cool - thanks! I'll keep an eye on the River to River site.
Posted by: Sonia | April 14, 2008 at 06:55 PM
That's correct .It's the line-up from the last 3 records , Bill included.
Posted by: Stan Demeski | April 23, 2008 at 12:44 PM
Brian, I am both sides of hysterical over this Feelies reunion. Mainly because I am in Portland....Oregon! Will you be recording and reposting/podcasting the show for those loyal fans of FMU and the Feelies? I can't even seem to find a copy of "Only Life" these days. I just wear out "Time For A Witness" and "Crazy Rhythms". My only copy is a cassette and I only have the case.....Help Me BT Kanobe!
Posted by: Shortcake | May 02, 2008 at 12:56 AM
UPDATE: RiverToRiverNYC.com will take reservations on June 12th at Noon (max 2 per person), after which you'll be given ticket pickup details. More info:
Posted by: Brian Turner | May 04, 2008 at 11:57 AM
Big deal to one or two here in Nebraska, too.
Echoing Shortcake, can you guys live stream the show, or make it available by podcast?
I notice that Mr. Demeski replied just above; if I can offer a question, why is it that the Feelies catalog is not available in digital form through iTunes or Amazon?
Posted by: Bob Crisler | May 29, 2008 at 05:33 PM
niceeeeeee :)
Posted by: SoyEstudiambre | July 25, 2010 at 09:24 PM