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May 26, 2008


Listener bkd

Dude, that's the Necronomicon there. Oh sure, it's been encoded in the pages of a book about musicians, but sure enough, those are the keys to freeing eldritch beings from beyond space and time.


On a less cerebral note, I'm not familiar with Tosches, but the last time I watched "An American in Paris", I was completely befuddled by the resemblance between Melvin and Oscar Levant.

Krys O.

Tosches more closely resembles Buster Keaton, my son.

Dale Hazelton

Frank Sutton was great in Marty. I always felt that he was a good dramatic actor (in that Twilight Zone or Quinn Martin sort of way) trapped in a dumb spinoff with a laughtrack on it. He probably had no problems cashing the checks, however. My vote is for Keaton, too.


There is a Melvin/Tosches resemblance, but I think you'd have to add in about 30% Ray Wise to make the resemblance complete.

Listener Kliph

Krys, Buster Keaton is your son? How old are you!?

Dave the Spazz

I was wondering how many posts it would take before you mentioned Frank Sutton.

Listener Greg G.

More on Frank Sutton later. For now though I have to say that for such a committed Frank-ophile I have been displaying remarkable restraint.

Nash Roads

The other day a friend showed me these too-good-to-be-true Emmett Miller clips on youtube:

Listener #109577

I've seen at least one more-than-35-years-ago picture of Tosches that looked nothing like that, but I confess that his present phiz does indeed closely resemble that of the late Mr. Melvin. Where your bulletin crumbles into carborundum of a medium most mendaciously axe-grinding, however, is in the postscript where you fail to recognize the excellence -- nay, the brilliance! -- of Nick's (if I may, and I think I may) command of comic, post-Beat, pre-Apocalyptic prose in the service of an occasional dramatic effect. I mean, reeally!


You think that's bad, what about "King of the Jews"?


wait a minute. Tosches' face collapsed because he lost weight. and why are you
not thankful for his vocabulary? ignivomous? flaming vomit? it's perfect. get a dictionary...

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