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May 28, 2008



This one's got a great booklet in the also by Harry Betts, who did the soundtrack to "The Fantastic Plastic Machine."

I found another Bestline record after this one was produced, which basically stinks, but has the most amazing multi-page booklet of people partying at the Bestline convention.

Hear It Wow

Shame on me. I got so sidetracked by thoughts of crispy bacon that I forgot to mention Harry Betts.

I can tell you that there are no Baconizers on eBay, but I can't tell you much about the life of Betts, who worked extensively in television scoring and did some movie work as well. Betts is credited for the arrangements on legendary disco flick Thank God It's Friday as well as Cheech & Chong's Nice Dreams. Alongside Burt Bacharach, Betts composed many themes for ABC televsion in the late 1960s and early 1970s, including the Monday Night Movie Theme. Betts is also credited with the Morecambe and Wise show in 1971, which suggests that he might be of English descent, as the BBC was less than welcoming toward foreign staff for its television shows in those days.

The International medley on the album shows a composer who knows his breezy, pan-European influences, with more than a hint of Morricone in some passages.


holy cow hear it wow, where did you pick this up?

Hear It Wow

This album was tucked away in the overhead bins at Looney Tunes on Berkeley Street in Boston, alongside a bit of Chevrolet industrial musical that will be popping up on this blog in the future.

As a general rule, the Looney Tunes on Mass. Ave. in Cambridge is a much better source for eccentric audio.


Wow, my father actually bought into Bestline, we had a garage full of cleaners for several years. Did not make a dime...

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