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May 12, 2008



That Lungfish track is catchy as hell. Much obliged.


Jeez you're lucky.... i get in those discussions and no matter how hard i try i can't help but let rip and end up saying stuff like "i'd rather listen to something that's honestly shit, and interesting, rather than a big, shiny, gilded & polished dog-turd that makes millions for wankers in suits...."

You can just about be viewed as human if you can get a laugh or two, i find, but being nice and polite and sociable is probably better... ya know, though, i think i'll try it next time i have a job!

Or try to try it...

Good tunes, nice post, btw - i like to hear people talk passionately about how and why they love music, almost as much as discussion of the music itself.


You could always have a yard sale.
I hear Saturday will be nice.

Dale Hazelton

I have a love/hate relationship with my records. If a record only has one song I like, I try to import it into my computer so I can take the disk to a consignment shop. Then my hard drive went down. I hear dire warnings that CDs won't have much shelf life (do they really degrade?). Then I just decide to keep moving them around.

And why don't they mention their "favorite films?" It's all just actors?

Grandpa Scorpion

Thanks for the Vile Cherubs pointer! Shizzirific!


Hi Mike,

First let me say, this post about the records cracked me up, I have records and cassettes that really need to go but I just have issues with getting rid of anything...they all have memories attached to them soooooo they continue to just take up space. Now, the reason I'm writing you is actually for my son, who thinks there is no way I would be able to contact you and I'm trying to show him with some research, work and persistence, anythings possible. My son is 14 years old and LOVES your books. He's never been a big reader. He plays baseball and swears that will get him where he needs to be so any spare time goes to working at that but he has now found an additional hobby; reading your books, and now even working on a book report about you for school. I would love if you could tell me how to obtain an autograph from you for him. I know he would cherish it and hopefully I could prove my point to him. I'd appreciate anything you can offer for advice on getting into the sports world as well. Thank you so much for you time in reading this. I look forward to hearing from you.



Go ahead and send her your autograph... it's your name after all- and kid will never know the difference!
But if I start seeing autographed books on Ebay....

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