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May 28, 2008




can we publish a book with maybe 30 chapters from different people waxing nostalgic on their wierdest jobs? we'd be rich. and have numerous sequels.


I had to install new door hardware at Disney World a couple of years ago, in the costuming section, which is underneath the Magic Kingdom. My dreams, (and uh, fantasies), are still haunted by visions of vivacious young women in sports bras, with standard human upper bodies that lead to oversize duck bodies and feet covering their lower extremities.


Evil Chelsea record store? Midnight Records? What's that story?


Will you put your Sears badge on Ebay? I'd take part in that bidding war!


I wonder if the store is still there? I live in the area and I don't think I've seen anything like that- I should try going to look.

Dave the Spazz

Pally: Yes--a year and a half at Midnight Records. It's amazing that I still like music (and humanity) after that.

Jonny: I need my Sears badge otherwise I'd never remember to ask you to ask me to ask you.

Allison: Actually called them the other day for the hell of it. Looks like they're still in business but they moved to a safer section of Bridgeport.

Ken in Denver

Great story. My worst job was after my sophomore year in high school, in the summer of 1972, which I spent on the "picnic crew" at the old Elitch Gardens amusement park in Denver. My duties were pretty much confined to 12-hour shifts of serving soft drinks (at sub-minimum wage) to a never-ending line of sunburned people lined up at my portable soda fountain during their company picnics. (That and shooing away the flies.) Most nights after work I'd find myself in a restless sleep, repeating "Pepsi, orange or Dr Pepper?" in my head ad nauseum until it was time to get up and do it all again. There were certain compensating benefits -- lots of teenage girls in skimpy summer attire, and the occasional chance to help my co-workers covertly finish off a leftover keg of beer back in the supply shed. But I quit the latter after taking a huge gulp of warm, moldy beer one day.


yup, ten or twelve years later i still occasionally have dreams of tearing tickets and saying 'last one on the right...second one on the left...last one on the right, first one on the right...' as i drift to sleep.


Oh shit...
I'm 19 and I've never had a duck-suit adventure...
What the hell am I going to blog about in years to come?

Sorcerer Mickey

This would have been funnier with a GOLD Dymo tape , since Gold indicates that the wearer is either the Store Manager or Assistant Manager.
In 1972 California, our badges said,
"Happiness at Sears is [YOUR NAME] serving you."
I made one up that said [TRYING TO AVOID].

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