I bet you thought our supply of splendid stuff to auction on eBay had dried up. How else to explain the prolonged absence of recorded rarities, autographed artifacts and other useless items offered up by us to separate you from your ill-earned cash?
No, there are still plenty of treasures in the box that sits on top of the filing cabinet that rests in the penthouse of WFMU's luxuriously appointed headquarters. The box that has a label that says "Wendy" on it. Yup, lots of stuff in that box.
But for the better part of the year, there was no Wendy.
Well, yes there was. I didn't cease to exist; I just lived too far away from Jersey City to coax those items onto eBay.
Now I'm back.
So are you all excited about the free concert coming up on July 4th? You know, the one that's part of WFMU's Free Concert Music Series? The one with Sonic Youth and The Feelies? (If you have no idea what I'm
talking writing about, go here.)
If you need a little extra encouragement on the excitement-o-meter, may I suggest this.
Yes, it's "Crazy Rhythms" by The Feelies. On glorious vinyl. With the original inner sleeve. And it's in beautiful condition.
If you are the highest bidder, and you don't lollygag on paying us, you'll get the LP with plenty of time to play it over and over and over while practicing all your dance moves in the privacy of your own home so you will only look slightly like a dork at the show on July 4th.
2. Speaking of dorks, if you were one of those comic book dorks back in the 80s...
But wait, they call them "Graphic Novels" now, and only the very cool kids are into the ones not starring superheroes.
If you were one of those ahead-of-your-time Graphic Novel readers back in the 80s, Love & Rockets does not equal that poppy, glammish result of when Bauhaus met the wrecking ball.
No, Love & Rockets equals Los Bros Hernandez.
And we've got the very first issue. Yes, Issue #1.
Holy crap!
This isn't one of those collections. This is the actual first issue, with a business card from some guy at Fantagraphics stapled to the front cover. There's only one staple holding the card there so you can easily remove it.
3. From the Arcane Audiophile Department, we offer an actual 78 rpm record, this one by the Mr. King of the Swingers, Louis Prima.
Side A is "Marguerita" and the other side is "Bridget O'Brien."
Both the wax and the labels are in lovely condition, perfect for playing, framing, or just nailing right into the wall.
Crank up those old Victrolas and let the dance party begin. Hey, if the oil crisis really becomes a crisis on these shores, you might be the only one in your block, building or neighborhood to have some semblance of a stereo.
The smart bidder will snatch it up before the Ol' Codger figures out how to turn on a computer and beats you to it.
So that's it for this week's eBay offerings. Support freeform radio! Support WFMU!