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June 07, 2008


Ransom Carroll

I remember hearing this band play half of a total remake of P- R- somewhere in the Northwest; they were called something like Coleen's Sad End Affects Me Deeply on Both Emotional and Philosophical Levels Yet I Persevere. They disappeared but someone found the title track at
at least it sounds similar though not as violent.
Also I have heard that Robert Downey Jr has a remake of Gett Off that someone may have leaked. True?

Ransom Carroll

I remember hearing this band play half of a total remake of P- R- somewhere in the Northwest; they were called something like Coleen's Sad End Affects Me Deeply on Both Emotional and Philosophical Levels Yet I Persevere. They disappeared but someone found the title track at
at least it sounds similar though not as violent.
Also I have heard that Robert Downey Jr has a remake of Gett Off that someone may have leaked. True?

Ransom Carroll

I remember hearing this band play half of a total remake of P- R- somewhere in the Northwest; they were called something like Coleen's Sad End Affects Me Deeply on Both Emotional and Philosophical Levels Yet I Persevere. They disappeared but someone found the title track at
at least it sounds similar though not as violent.
Also I have heard that Robert Downey Jr has a remake of Gett Off that someone may have leaked. True?


Don't forget the Hindu Love Gods (Warren Zevon and REM sans Michael Stipe) cover of Rasberry Beret!

m butler

back when i had one of those newfangled mp3 blogs, i posted my friend evan reidell's full acapella rendition of the purple rain album. you can find it here if so inclined:


Even Mitch Ryder covered When You Were Mine.


Even Mitch Ryder covered When You Were Mine.


Even Mitch Ryder covered When You Were Mine.


Even Mitch Ryder covered When You Were Mine.


Even Mitch Ryder covered When You Were Mine.




The most amazing versions of Prince songs I've ever heard are by the German singer Roger Cicero. I saw him sing "How Come U Don't Call me Anymore" live in concert and he was stunning. He's just released a live recording as part of his new single "Alle Möbel verrückt". There are a few clips of "How Come U don't Call me" recorded by fans at his concerts on YouTube and a version from a few years ago: Roger Cicero also performed Kiss on a tv show: (go to 5:26 in)


Laibach. The Cross(from sign of the times) on their Jesus Chist Superstars ROCKS!

Kurt Gottschalk

Hundalasiliah! Thanks, Jomega! I'm off to find "The Cross." I love Laibach's Let it Be, but didn't know about this one. And while I'm at it, I'll be grabbing the a cappella Rain (thanks mbutler). And I've never even heard of Roger Cicero. Thanks Ivy. And I hear even Mitch Ryder covered "When U Were Mine."

Derek in DC

Age of Chance does my favorite cover of "Kiss"


You're welcome, Kurt. The German singer Max Raabe also did a cover of Kiss on one of his albums. Thanks Derek, for the Age of Chance. That's the funniest cover of Kiss I've heard since Tom Jones'.

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