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June 25, 2008


Eugene B. Bergmann

Note that the I, LIBERTINE hoax as well as the rest of Shepherd's genius (as exemplified in radio, TV, film, performance, and the written word) is described and discussed in my book, EXCELSIOR, YOU FATHEAD! THE ART AND ENIGMA OF JEAN SHEPHERD, the only book about him.


Jeff Phinney

This story is so relavant to what's going on in this country today. Somewhere between now and then, us and them came back into being.


I would be neglectful of my responsibilities to total strangers if I didn't point out the I, Libertine audiobook that was posted in 2006. Have fun.


I love this! I heard about the book, but didn't know the history behind the gag. Thank you so much.


He may be dead and buried, but you can't keep a good man down.

Shep Lives!!!


He may be dead and buried, but you can't keep a good man down.

Shep Lives!!!


You forgot to mention that the actual book was written by legendary SF writer Theodore Sturgeon (More Than Human, Venus Plus X, The Dreaming Jewels, the "Shore Leave" and "Amok Time" episodes of STAR TREK) under a pseudonym.

Hippie Zingo

Hey, wait a minute, how do we know your claim of having written a book: "EXCELSIOR, YOU FATHEAD! THE ART AND ENIGMA OF JEAN SHEPHERD" isn't a hoax, too?


H.L. Mencken (whom Shep often referred to) perpetrated his "Bathtub Hoax" in 1917:

Wikipedia entry:

Original column entitled "A Neglected Anniversary":

Duke Douglas

So when is Ballantine (or anyone who can get permission) going to reissue it at a price we casual readers can afford?
Has anyone here ever read it? (I found the narrator of the audio book annoying. No offense if he's reading...)


Excelsior you fatheads!

jay wilson

When about did this start? I have a big collection of Shep radio stuff which is dated, but not titled. I'd love to hear it.


Never saw the book before reading the Excelsior book, and I've been a book collector since the early 70s. But if I'd lived out may have sold all its copies within a few hundred miles of NYC.

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