If fate places you in the neighborhood of Astoria, Queens tomorrow, the 6th Annual NYC Musical Saw Festival might be the place for you to be.
DJ Bronwyn C says this is "the concert of the summer. The idea of a musical saw backed up by a handbell choir makes the top of my head blow off".
This author agrees. What better way to celebrate America's freedom from the tyranny of its imperial British overlords than by watching Saw Players and hearing the Singing Sounds of the Saw?
Featured entertainments include:
* Natalia ‘Saw Lady’ Paruz presenting the musical saw as an ensemble instrument with participation from 2 singers, a pianist and a handbell choir.
* Nicholas Bardach of Germany will give a presentation spoofing classical music with the saw.
* The world premiere of a new saw composition.
* An art exhibition featuring the musical saw in paintings and a video installation.
* Solo performances by many musical saw players.
* The Chorus of the Saws - all participating saw players will play together: Schubert 'Ave Maria' accompanied by church organ, and 'Over the Rainbow' accompanied by piano.
More info: www.SawLady.com/musicalsawfestival.htm
When: Saturday, July 5th, 2008 at 2pm.
Where: Trinity Church, 31-18 37th Street (37th Street at 31st Avenue), Astoria, NY
A few years back, in Burlington Vermont, I watched a woman playing a series of upright metal pipes with a blow-torch! Yep, she'd manage to elicit a barrage of deep, etherial "moans" from the rig-up by blasting the base of the hollow tubes with the torch, and there was an astonishngly small crowd to watch this taking place.
I probably still have the video somewhere on my hard drive, it was so bizarre...
Posted by: Bren C. | July 04, 2008 at 08:29 AM
I went last year - it was amazing! Did you ever hear the sound of 19 people playing the saw together (live - not on a video)? It defies discription. The 'Saw Lady' is definitely the best, but it was interesting to see/hear all the different techniques and saws of other players.
Posted by: Michelle | July 04, 2008 at 11:43 AM