In preparation for the upcoming WFMU Radio Greats Weekend, I've been sorting through old tapes of my WFMU radio show (I refuse to call them "airchecks"—that's down there with saying "imprint" instead of "record label" if you ask me—"check, check, is this mic on?") and I came across this entertaining interview with England's The Membranes. The Membranes were three (sometimes four) funny-as-hell lads from Blackpool, and for pretty much their entire existence as a band I was a huge fan. In fact, one of my first dates with the young woman who eventually became my wife was a Membranes' show at Maxwell's in Hoboken. This was originally aired in 1988, when the band were here on tour promoting what was then their latest album, Kiss Ass...Godhead!, and songs from the album are sprinkled throughout the 34-minute interview. The interview
was recorded in the old production room, the "B" studio of WFMU's former headquarters under the Upsala College Froeberg Hall dormitory. The Membranes talk fast (especially John Robb, the lead singer and obvious "wit" of the band), but it's worth listening closely to hear them rap about Steve Albini, Hammer of the Gods, Slade, their favorite Beatles' albums, "cans" vs. "headphones" and where drummer Coofy Sid got his name, among many other things. Just don't mention The Fall or visas. If you listen hard, you can hear WFMU radio great Bronwyn C. chuckling in the background. The presentation ends with an impromptu sloppy doo-wop station i.d. followed by The Membranes' signature song, "Everyone's Going Triple Bad Acid, Yeah!"
I present this interview here as an mp3, rather than on the radio, as it's a bit long and worthy of being preserved in its entirety. Thanks to the generous offer of DJ Daniel Blumin, I'll be celebrating my 15 years on the air (1984–1999) with Daniel, on August 10, from 3–6 a.m. ET, playing choice excerpts of the music, humor and occasional mental breakdowns that characterized my show. Also joining us will be musicologist, author, former WFMU broadcaster and Dark Beloved Cloud records impresario Douglas Wolk. We'll also be presenting musical extracts from The Stork Club program. Hear us there!
I was with you guys that night! Is my memory of the night twisted or did you bring them all back to WFMU after the gig for some shuteye on the floor of the main office?
Posted by: Ray Zinnbrann | July 29, 2008 at 10:35 AM
Ray, now that you mention it, I remember it well. The interview was indeed post-gig. They played that night as a four-piece; the second guitarist passed on the interview to go off and sleep. They either slept in the office, or more likely on the floor of the live room.
Posted by: WmMBerger | July 29, 2008 at 02:36 PM
I believe I still have their 12" called "Spike Milligan's Tape Recorder."
Posted by: Krys_O. | July 30, 2008 at 11:09 AM
Wow. Not bad for someone who hadn't even thought back to that night for years before you wrote this post, eh? I seem to also remember John Robb broke quite a few guitar strings that night.
Thanks for the memories, my friend. Looking forward to your slot on the Radio Gr
Posted by: Ray Zinnbrann | July 30, 2008 at 01:12 PM
Death To Trad Rock! - The Post-Punk Fanzine Scene 1982-87
By John Robb
New From Cherry Red Books!
Death To Trad Rock is the first time this era collection of bands has been analysed and written about in such depth. It explores this loose confederation of noisenik outfits reacting against the bland conformity of the mid-Eighties, including Three Johns, The Membranes, Nightingales, The Ex, Wedding Present, Age Of Chance, A Witness, Bogshed and Big Flame. Bands trading in loud, discordant noise-rock with a stripped down punk energy, dirty bass, shrapnel guitars and surreal lyrics, all forged into quirky, original songs.
Can be purchased now from the following link;
Posted by: Cherry Red Records | October 21, 2009 at 12:30 PM
The Membranes rocked, I really enjoyed John Robb's book 'Death To Trad Rock' and his new band Goldblade are awesome. Fan's of John's writing should check his Rivmixx blog here
Posted by: Chris | January 20, 2010 at 10:40 AM