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July 04, 2008



Say, that first vid is actually secret footage of the interrogation of Khalid Sheik Mohammed. Where'd you get it?


i thought it was a sneeze fetish video!
good editing and pacing for the time. the repeated sneezing was a bit much though.


I watched the taking-currency and crossing-the-street vids, and I found them totally charming. The car running down the breakfast tray made me laugh out loud before I had my first coffee, a time when I rarely even feel like speaking. Thanks for this, L-Jim!


I liked the pedestrian crossing one the best. I like how it implied that if you're not in a cross walk, a driver has the right to run you over. How very British!

The Herb Whisperer

The Massingham films linked to here are available on a DVD with many other UK "Public Information Films" from the 50's to the 80's:

LA Shorts Fest

The 12th Annual LA Shorts Fest returns to Hollywood August 15 – 21, 2008 at the Laemmle Sunset 5 Theaters. The largest short film festival premieres the best shorts in the world. In past years, 30 participants have earned Academy Award nominations, with 9 filmmakers actually taking home the Oscar. This is where entertainment professionals and trend setters discover the next hot new talents. 323-461-4400

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