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August 30, 2008



jeez the cult member singing thing was so creepy i couldn't finish it. quit after the second girl.
what is the story behind it?


The "hoochie" dancers' outfits and routines were no sexier than those of good Christian high school cheerleaders - the camera didn't show their purity promise rings of course. That would have made it all OK.


It's been a long time since I watched the film "Christine."



I-I haven't listened to the mp3's yet. I have no comment.


Who was that in the video with Candy Slice?

mike lupica

My lawyer will be contacting you shortly. If any time gets wasted around here on this internet, it gets wasted at MY direction, pally.

Rob Wickings

More to the point with the Jesus Lizard thing, what the heck are Rapeman doing on CMT?

Krys O.

CMT seems to be linking to all of AllMusic Guide and not only to the country or hillbilly references. Thus, you will find anything that's listed on AMG on CMT.

Jonathan Steinke


Krys O.

Re:'s music search listings

You can see my AMG listing, for example:


watched the cult women and then the calista zipper and something about that order makes me physically ill

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