Trumpet/bass/guitar (banjo) configuration stopped by WFMU to record a blistering set for the Long Rally. This group is 3/4 of the Peter Evans Quartet and also an expanded version of the dense improv duo Spärks (Tom Blancarte/Peter Evans), currently celebrating a new record on the Portuguese Creative Sources label. Catch the Peter Evans Quartet live at DJ Bethany's Stochastic Brooklyn show at Barbes on August 20th, and check for the amazing 4tet record out on the Firehouse 12 label. They were kind enough to play both Spärks material (see the Spärks score below) and PE 4tet material, Spärks being an improv explosion and the Peter Evans Quartet a kaleidoscopic reconstruction of jazz tunes. Engineered by Glenn Luttman.
Peter Evans/Tom Blancarte/Brandon Seabrook - Concerto for Brandon Seabrook and Sparks
Peter Evans/Tom Blancarte/Brandon Seabrook - a) The Christmas Song b) Heaven c) Slow 3/4 Song
Scott, you rule. Peter Evans rules. You both are the best and in the 99th percentile of all things good and noble. Your SAT score must have been excellent.
Posted by: Nash Roads | August 14, 2008 at 04:05 PM
ive been a quiet fan of the blog for years now, and listening to this reminded me of satanique samba trio, i searched it and had no results! amazing, i'm sure it's wmfu material though
Posted by: iwasmango | October 23, 2008 at 07:25 AM
yep, Satanique Samba Trio is wmfu material. give us something on these fuckers!
Posted by: Demandator | December 16, 2008 at 11:01 PM
Satanique it up, Scott!
Posted by: BONOBO'S | February 08, 2009 at 02:36 AM