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September 28, 2008



Thanks for the downloads! I love the Chica comp and interviewed compiler Olivier Conan - thought you might be interested -

Neu Mejican

I was pleased to find a Los Mirlos album on Rhapsody. I am looking forward to these.


This is great. There seems to be a sonic glitch near the end of track 10 La Chinchilla. Thanks again for presenting this music.

T. Leary

Enjoyable tunes, but I question the use of the word psychedelic. I think it is quite a stretch to apply that word, if not downright dishonest. I see it often used by people who try to impart some kind of "coolness" to music in order to get phony hipsters to listen to it. It can stand on its own.


i bought this with great anticipation after seeing it in mojo (mojo gave it 4 stars.) upon listening to it...well, it's good. maybe very good (i've only listened to it a couple of times so far), but like T. Leary, i'm not hearing much "psych" in this. a little disappointed as a result. perhaps i'll listen to it again soon but psych this is NOT.


Let's be fair. Although most people this side of the world can find the use of the term "psychedelic" to qualify this music, that is precisely how the public of Peru thought about it during its heyday. The application of "modern sounding" keyboards and vicious electric guitar solos to an Andean musical pattern was enough to make this music sound trippy to Peruvian ears. That, at a time in which Peruvians were also consuming psychedelic rock (so ignorance is not an argument here), was a use of the term that can befuddle some now, but not Latin-Americans.


Thank you for these songs. My concern has also grown after listening Psychedelic Cumbias from Peru.

carbon footprints

nice one this is a good music for the ears maybe i can take it along to the gym
reduce the carbon footprints


uuuuuh que bueeeeeeeeno que esta el disco idolos !!!!!!


La photo représente bien le cd.

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