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September 08, 2008



Oh, this is amazing. I'm so glad you finally got a copy of this. What a weird record.


yeah! This record was voted the funniest record ever on The Dr. Demento show. It deserves the no. 1 spot. An unforgettable classic!

Mr Fab

Man, do I like "Man, Do I Like Fridays."

Colin the Culture Hunter

Wow- this is just the greatest find ever, Bob I tip my hat.

£13 for this ? Bargain of the century!


"Can I Pawn My Teeth To You" would be a great addition to the soundtrack of a
horror flick if used properly.


This is great, but I can't make out the lyrics of "when I kiss my gal..." can some one make out that part of the song?


Radio Zero

Dear GAWD I have been on a similar quest, ever since hearing this on the Good Doctor's show... Thank you so so so so so so much.


I just discovered Esser here and I have torn the internet apart in an effort to find more of his music, but sadly it seems all he did were these two items. Much thanx for shareing them.

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