Hopefully, Kliph won't mind if I hop on his Red Sovine bandwagon and post a couple of MP3's that will add a little extra context to his post from earlier today. The post discusses the hilarious feedback he received from a trio of sisters who sang with Red back in the early 1970's. Several years ago, I went on a major bender and bought all the Red Sovine 45's I encountered. As a result, I have one of the records Red and the girls cut lying around. I figured I'd go ahead and post the songs so you'll have something to listen to while you read the comments left by Red's former singing partners. I note that the girls all indicate their birth surname was Worden and D. L. Worden (the girls' father, I assume) is named as one of the producers on the actual 45, so if they're impostors, at least they've done a little homework!
Red Sovine - Red's So Fine (2:04) MP3
Red Sovine - Can I Keep Him Daddy (2:53) MP3
wow what in the bejesus is Red up to, this is perhaps the most scarey thing i've heard
(is it maybe at the wrong speed?)
Posted by: king horror | September 28, 2008 at 05:37 PM
Ditto. I don't know how this got released, even in 1974. But I know today you simply could not hear three little girls singing about a old uncle like this without calling Child Protective Services....
Posted by: Larry | September 28, 2008 at 08:02 PM
red sovine is the coolest! i only wish i could have seen him perform these songs live. i can only imagine what a red sovine concert must've been like. did he go on tour with "the girls"?
Posted by: uncle jesse | September 28, 2008 at 11:19 PM
Wow. This was released by a subsidiary of a company better known back in the day for...filmstrip projectors? (If you were an A-V geek back in the 1960s and 70s, the name Viewlex may ring a bell.)
Posted by: | September 29, 2008 at 01:29 AM
My mistake I was listening to this via the 'hype machine' website and it's at the wrong speed.
I love red really especially the christmas song “Is There Really A Santa Claus” whereby a couple of kids who's mum is dead, dad then dies on the way to buy them their presents....
Posted by: king horror | September 29, 2008 at 05:41 AM
if you play the 45's backwards, everyone can walk, truckers
stay sober and don't crash and die, christmas presents get delivered,
and all your mothers give red the blow of his lifetime.
his seeing eye dog gets driving lessons and red never dies.
red is alive,,,,,john is dead...red is alive...john is dead.........
Posted by: where's the equal | September 29, 2008 at 09:58 PM
Greg G,
Oh, we are not imposters. Very real. Well,almost. A few of the parts may have enhanced cosmetically with some over the years.
Your assumption is incorrect. The D. L Worden is not our father. It was our mother, Donna Lee Worden. She was "our" star and meant everything to us. The most creative, talented, quick-witted person I've ever known.
I wish more songs today were as sweet as the songs she wrote and the songs we sang. Then maybe some of these bloggers would display a small bit of decency and morality to help them find their soul. Do some of you people even have one????
Posted by: The littlest sister | September 30, 2008 at 07:32 PM
my littlest sister rocks!!!
you tell 'em, kinda natural blonde sister.
anyway, i got my family's back...even the ones that are "special.
so ...read it and weep.
i do get ANGRY and you would too, when you get verbally attacked by a-holes who don't even know ya or your mom. (who isn't around to defend this garbage that "klifford" whatever..is writing.
She would beat you all down.... believe it!!
The girls want to confront the "farquad" in charge..
we are waiting....
Posted by: the enhanced sister, yeah baby!! | September 30, 2008 at 08:44 PM
oh yeah greg g.....
another tiny tid bit your drunk ass overlooked...
our family owned the label"chart "records....
now...talk crap about artist like:
charlie rich, roy clark, charlie pride, red sovine, ronnie stoneman..
just to name a few..
budda records was failing...my parents bought it, then it became chart records.
then, dolly parton thought we were so cute she asked us to sing on a colaboration album
call "first harvest gathering" . we only sang one song..."there" but she she liked us....you big moron...talk your trash about Dolly Parton... go ahead....
that's what i thought, chicken shit!!
how ya like me now......
Posted by: The 'ME | September 30, 2008 at 09:03 PM
You tell them, sister!
Where is that chili eating, lily-livered, chicken shit, worm pecker, communist DJ right now? Calling you out!
- The one what liked the bowl haircuts
Posted by: Hell yeah! | October 02, 2008 at 08:50 AM
you go girl...
"we go spirit yes we do, we got spirit
how 'bout you..."
ok..mr DJ...,
that is your cue to say something.
girls...20 DJ....0 "loser"
DJ sucks DJ sucks DJ sucks
Posted by: | October 30, 2008 at 01:40 PM