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September 17, 2008


Mike the Radio Guru

Bizarre -- the countdown bit from the second medley is actually a sample from the TV Series "The Prisoner". You can hear it (without the bits about how much fun cereal is) on the first track of the second "Prisoner" soundtrack CD (The Prisoner File #2).

Hear It Wow

Now that is bizarre, and I can't blame it on radio bleed because I didn't have a copy of that CD in the station, and I'm pretty sure the commercial stations in Boston would never play that CD.

Subliminal messages from a playful engineer, perhaps?


Totally rocked out to that when I was 5.

U. Squeegee

Wow, I used to have this. For some reason, I sold all my vinyl a couple years ago (rather than being selective). This is one I regret giving up. Thanks for the great post.


Hmm, I'm no expert, but it seems like at least some of that between-track junk must be from the radio...

Hear It Wiw

There's definitely some radio bleed on the track, thanks to a poorly grounded turntable. However, the talking bit at 1:14 is on the record and it's at a much higher level than the bleed, so it's something from the record itself.

Jerry Gnoza

Great upload, but where are the other tracks on the record? I'm dying to get THIS version of the old old 50's "Snap! Crackle! Pop!" Jingle because, well, it just Snaps, Crackles, and Pops better than this original version video I found on youtube:


I totally have this. Got it from Goodwill for a quarter!


It doesn't seem any more bizarre to me than, say, Disco Duck or It's A Small World. How about Free To Be? And I don't know why parents today would be bothered by it.


Gotcha. Thanks for this!


Great find. Still, nobody did Rice Krispies jingles better than the Stones:


Where's track 1 from side 1?

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