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September 04, 2008




Scottie D

i still have Dre's "86 in the Mix" on cassette that i've had since 1986. it's buried in an old box. i actually bought it at the Slauson Swap Meet...

Listener Fodder

nice scottie! i have that one pulled out for next week.

brad ford

Amazing! I'm really, really excited about THIS series.

mister caz

yeah b
so "86 in the mix" is goin up there?
Lookin forward to this myself.

eric / sneakmove

niiiiiice, i used to get mixtapes from kobey's swap meet too. i have a dj tony a tape called 88 boomin bass (or similar; it's got a green cover). it's got eazy-e and tone loc freestyles. i think it's got a jj fad freestyle too, haha!

eric / sneakmove

oh, also, do you remember anything about a san diego rap group called DAM posse (DAM stood for def audio masters). the dj at kobey's who used to run the booth i used to get tapes from was one of the producers in the group. they were dope. i had their tape and a t-shirt of theirs too. they were somehow affiliated with most desh and lpsd, if i remember correctly.

man, seeing your post about kobey's takes me back! i still hit it up once in a while when i visit san diego. i always find myself heading first to the aisle where that old hip-hop tape booth used to be, hoping that somehow those dudes will be there again with their soundsystem ready to turn me on to the hottest new music. sadly, there's a couple selling knockoff sunglasses there instead these days.

meanest man contest -
sneakmove -

Listener Fodder

eric - i can still navigate in my mind to where the booth was, and the music was always playing... but alas, the last time i was at kobey's was 1988. 88 boom n bass is going up in a couple of weeks (dre/tony a mixed) and yea, the freestyles on it are classic! i don't remember dam, but i'll bet i bought tapes from the dj/producer of the crew.


this is beautiful/
thank you/

Lorenzo L KING KAS

I have the original "you be ilin!-funkyfresh!-ricky ricks going off!-goin' off-breakdown-fove-o-dope beats!-criminak-808 volts-slippin-panic zone-hard action pack rap attack" All in the og cases with the colorful covers on tdk tapes. I would buy one evry week till dre and battery brain etc were no longer supplying us with that REAL TRUE MIX TAPE SHIT. THE REST OF MY PRICELESS COLLECTION WAS DESTROYED BY A VERY HATEFULL AND CRUEL EX WIFE


Sides should be reversed. Hip hop rap was always side 1, electro/funk side 2.

Julian G

Shit My collection should be put on line

Dj Louie

Wow!! I remember my big brother buying these tapes at The Rodium years ago. Where can I download more?


wow, thanks for this. amazing blog, blowing my little irish mind

game bigone

eric - i can still navigate in my mind to where the booth was, and the music was always playing...

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