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October 31, 2008



Cool, I like it


that saison dupont is indeed some tasty shit!


The reason the kwak glass is shaped like that is b/c it is an homage to the stirrup cup, basically the cup holder for carriage drivers back in the day. Supposedly, any way.


I have had the Kwak. The taste is good. Kwak is fun, but in crowded places it's a pain to carry it around in crowds.

More beers need to be served in crazy contraptions, but this is way more classy than the beer helmet.


What say thee of 4:20 distractions?

Mike G.

Where's the love for Vuuve (the Belgian beer which most sounds like a female sexual organ?). Its like a more fermented less healthy Kombucha without that entire "drinking this will help you live forever because the hippies have ordained it so" thing.

Plus it sounds so cool to order a "Vuuve" at the bar.


Trust me, we St. Louisans did everything we could to block the AB/In Bev merger. When the deal went through, everyone I know chose to boycott Bud and drink Schlafly instead.

uit belgiƫ

finally, my favorite topic.
everyone should try Tripel Karmeliet! Same brewery as Kwak, but much better. I have convinced many people to become Karmeliet addicts. Once you tried it, you're hooked. it is also served in a fancy glass.
+ saison voisin. the sweeter brother of dupont. really tasty!

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