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October 23, 2008


John McCabe

if you only see one movies for the rest of your life see Petey Wheatstraw, the Devil's Son-In-Law. the Devil offers a man the chance to return to earth if he agrees to be the Anti-Christ and marry the ugliest woman on Earth--the Devil's daughter. The film stars Rudy Ray Moore as the title character. this film makes "Dolemite" look like the Bridges of Madison County

pdx beaf

amen to that.

Don K.

I was first exposed to Rudy Ray Moore around 1974. A friend had a few of his albums on 8 track. He blew our minds. We were reciting Rudy's albums just as we had done with the Firesign Theater's. I remember when his first movies came out but I didn't see them til years after their release. (they were shown in segregated theaters) Stangely enough I had just watched "The Human Tornado" again just before I heard of his passing. Rudy Ray Moore was truly a great entertainer. I am so glad he has been a part of my life experience all these years.

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