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October 29, 2008



Wow, that Squee Gee story was amazing. I usually lurk but I had to applaud you ahaha


great blog dave!


look at the love scrawled all over that thing


Who shoots up?
And goes downtown,
Wipes car windows with a happy frown,
beats it when the cops come around,
Sqwee Gee the happy clown!


man, as soon as they sang 'his hair is green....' i realized with the crackle and hiss that it would make a perfect dark humor track to play in the background of some crazy, creepy Joker warehouse hostage torture scene...oh well, we'll never get the chance.


Nice posting! I, too can remember the weird fascination that certain 'adult' records around the house had for me, 'adult' as in lps that you wouldn't think a kid would be drawn to. And many of mine were as dumb as yours, the allure of the appearance, texture and smell of records in those days is hard to describe now!
It's funny, as always, to hear someone going on about a song like this---I have it in a later lp-repackaging (but still very old) kid's record, and indeed it is a standout cut on that lp, and grabbed my attention right away with the "Here's material worth DJing!" alarm. If you need a cleaner copy, I'll digitize it for ya sometime, lol.


Nice posting! I, too can remember the weird fascination that certain 'adult' records around the house had for me, 'adult' as in lps that you wouldn't think a kid would be drawn to. And many of mine were as dumb as yours, the allure of the appearance, texture and smell of records in those days is hard to describe now!
It's funny, as always, to hear someone going on about a song like this---I have it in a later lp-repackaging (but still very old) kid's record, and indeed it is a standout cut on that lp, and grabbed my attention right away with the "Here's material worth DJing!" alarm. If you need a cleaner copy, I'll digitize it for ya sometime, lol.


Nice posting! I, too can remember the weird fascination that certain 'adult' records around the house had for me, 'adult' as in lps that you wouldn't think a kid would be drawn to. And many of mine were as dumb as yours, the allure of the appearance, texture and smell of records in those days is hard to describe now!
It's funny, as always, to hear someone going on about a song like this---I have it in a later lp-repackaging (but still very old) kid's record, and indeed it is a standout cut on that lp, and grabbed my attention right away with the "Here's material worth DJing!" alarm. If you need a cleaner copy, I'll digitize it for ya sometime, lol.

Terry Miller

For some reason, "In the Little Red Schoolhouse" started playing in my mind this evening as I was unloading the dishwasher and it was going to drive me crazy if I didn't hear the song again. Thank goodness I found your site....I'm pretty darn sure this was the exact version I grew up listening to as I'm a child of the 60's...Thanks for the mp3!


What year did Squee-Gee come out?


Until I found this website, my husband was convinced that I made up Squee Gee!

Ok .. so I made up a lot of the words .. because it was a long time ago since I used to play it ... but no doubt I didnt make up Squee Gee.

I friggin love the internet.

Thank you for bringing back a very whimsical part of my childhood!


My sister and I had about 100 peter pan records and used to play top 10. Like our older sister's Dick Clark. Squee Gee (the happy little clown) was number 1 for many a week on our charts. Did'nt think I'd ever hear it again. Yea I'm 60... and yippie for todays tecnology.

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