Echo Park's Rainbow Arabia rolled up to WFMU with a U-Haul full of gear at 9 in the morning this Monday to record a set for my show and it was like some sort of middle eastern acid-washed troupe from the future-past had landed on Montgomery street: neon-polka-dotted Arabic Casio keyboards, a mini percussion rack that could have belonged to either Jamie Lidell or my 4-year-old cousin, and a bunch of cutouts of safari animals. And that's pretty much what they sounded like: awesome. Husband and wife Danny (who you may know from Whiskey Biscuits) and Tiffany requested that I turn on the hip-hop bass filter to really get the radio audience jumping, and it really did. Just listen, you'll be glad you did. It's free!!!!
Omar K
Let Them Dance
Holiday In Congo
Tiny Man
I Know I See I Love I Go
They're touring the country now, so check that out, and also check them when they come back to the area with Gang Gang Dance in November.
Thank you for sharing use information.This is the first time hearing that without ticket fee they are allowing for the show.We want you to come up with more shows like this.
Christian howes - Innovative music,Music producer, Music Composer
Posted by: Christianhowes | October 25, 2008 at 01:37 AM
this is the best thing I've heard since
Assbaboons of Venus
Naked Lady Wrestler
Posted by: commenter | October 26, 2008 at 01:59 AM
shows in texas now skrotum! punkrocker!666! For real give it!
Posted by: esoterroriffik | October 26, 2008 at 02:45 AM
trap falls ,rope sings like wind in the wire ,neck snaps loud and clear as a chinese gong the boy cuts himself dowen with a swich blade chases through the glass of a penny arcade peep show and rims a grining negro. fadout . (mark, and johnny and mark take a bow with the ropes around thair necks thay are not as young as thay appear in the blue moveis,,, thay look tired and petulant.) meeting of international conference of technological psychiatry naked lunch page 103 piller' s are all we are one zone bone phone calling home drink coke its ok i love it
Posted by: joseph y | October 27, 2008 at 05:01 AM