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October 06, 2008


Dale Hazelton

I agree. Every transaction you can think of is designed to be taxed. Sales tax, capital gains tax, excise tax, use tax etc. The city of Ithaca has it's own system of barter that merchants can voluntarily be part of. I'm sure there are other organized efforts out there.


Oh. . . I'm not worried, I just remembered that Bush sent out those "economic stimulus" checks back in June. . . those should be kicking in pretty soon and everything will be just peachy.

(But seriously-- will we never learn? Deregulation doesn't help the economy anymore than removing stop signs and traffic lights helps to relieve traffic jams. Laws and rules exist for reasons, and when you remove them you ask for mayhem. People like Phil Gramm don't understand this logic, and so insist on repeating the mistakes of the past.)


Deregulation was probably not a mistake for Phil Gramm. I'm sure it worked out just fine for him!

busby seo test

ty for the information.....nice..


Who needs money, I think all of us needed. thanks for the informaton.

Lowongan Kerja

I think everybody needed.

Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009

Awareness is a habit. So I aware to this kind of technology. Sharing of information should be users must aware.

lowongan kerja

thanks for your infomation,,i am agree
lowonngan kerja

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