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November 05, 2008



The "low-budget big band pop vocal sound" on this recording is sung by, "Bob Storm" and the interesting story on this sleazy company's history can be found here:

Devlin Thompson

Eek! Wrong Hank widow! It wasn't Miss Audrey, but wife #2, Billie Jean Eshlimar (who recorded at least one pretty passable 45 as "Billie Jean Horton"). She had the worst luck with letting her men travel in cars.

Listener Greg G.

Devlin, thanks for the correction! The post has been updated.


Hello. Billie Jean wasnt Hank's ex-wife. She was married to him when he died, though for only a couple of months. They were married twice, once in Monroe Louisiana and then again in New Orleans, before a huge crowd. I think an admission charge may have been in place for the New Orleans wedding. I have known Billie Jean for 26 years, though I havent seen her for many of those years. She is now residing in a Shreveport retirement home after suffering a stroke several years ago. She is certainly a hoot to know and a lot of fun to have around.

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