JK LOL, a truly blessed time to you and yours in this most special of seasons. OK, that just sounded sarcastic. Maybe I'm a bit bitter since this is the first Christmas I've EVER had to spend away from family and friends. But come to think of it, given my family, this might be a good thing. At least I'll be able to watch Lee Han Joo perform tonight. I guess he's a good replacement for the obligatory weird uncle in every family.
Regardless, it's true that these videos here are, technically speaking, lo-fi lumps of coal. On the left is a wild TV performance from Jagatara. I'm not really sure what's going on, but I do know that the punk rocker who seizes the mic and screams is none other than Sakevi of GISM fame. At first it seems like he's just rushing the stage, but the backup singers don't miss a beat so it's not really clear for a while whether the chaos is intentional. Definitely the sort of stage presence that deserves lo-fi tape quality though. On the right is a 1986 performance from German thrashers Kreator.
Next thursday look out for an mp3 laden scene report on Richmond, Virginia! But for now, more coal - a public access set with weird graphics from Government Issue, and trashed out footage of a No Comment set at Gilman Street.
Dude, you've got your Tormentors confused. The band in the video is an early lineup of the German thrash band Kreator, whereas the Tormentor you linked to were a Hungarian band with Attila Csihar on vocals. Both good, but very different.
Posted by: Chaingang | December 25, 2008 at 12:27 PM
Chaingang is indeed correct. That's Kreator...still, thanks for finding that clip! If only Kreator had sounded like that for their entire career. It's more like being pelted by several dozen lumps of coal.
Posted by: WmMBerger | December 27, 2008 at 10:19 AM
Thanks for the heads up, Chaingang and William.
I guess Kreator was known as Tormentor in early stages, possibly while this video was filmed (which would explain the mixup).
Posted by: Nash Rose | December 28, 2008 at 01:03 PM