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December 24, 2008



Funny, I didn't know anyone else did this. I ran the lyrics of OK COMPUTER through babelfish a few years ago, from English to Portugese and back. The results were bizarre and often hilarious. You can read them here:


I wish that snow were redeemable.

James B. Ricks, III

I was at the gathering where Bob debuted this - it was November of 2004 - and listening to it STILL makes me darn-near wet myself. Not an easy thing to do to me, considering that I've known Bob (and Stu) for over 30 years! Some of the things that Bob has himself recorded are as strange as anything he posts, and he truly has a knack for the bizarre. Hopefully he will post more of his original content in the future. BTW, Bob, when exactly IS 'The Year Of Large Jeans'?

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