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January 28, 2009


Ernie (Not Bert)

Cool find! Why can't I find stuff like this? I guess I need to actually pay attention to eBay... Thanks for sharing!


This is great. Thanks. As a very great admirer of the vocal group era with it's origin in the USA and a few other countries it's a sad situation here in The Netherlands. But with this, it makes my day!


This is fun, thanks!!

Jana SIlvia



ALL the postings on these singers are an absolute delight for me.
I fell in love with A Lover & His Lass, found I can't remember where and listened to it out of simple curiosity. The voice, the clarity of sound (the 60's «clean» style, very Columbia too) is a discovery.
This weekend, I decided to look for more and here you are with all the treasures!
I read the posts and comments and had great fun (and Jamie & siblings writing too!).
Thanks a lot !

Ravel, Montreal, Quebec

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