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January 26, 2009


Charlie R.

Hello Bob,

Thank you for posting this. I believe that the voice may be that of Father Henri Nouwen, a renowned Dutch priest and author, who taught at Notre Dame, and who was also affiliated with the Menninger Foundation in Topeka, Kansas (which is mentioned in this lecture). He also taught at Harvard and Yale, and founded the l'Arche Community of Daybreak in Toronto.

I'm presently involved in a study group at my local parish in Rochester, and we have read a bit about Fr. Nouwen.


Charlie Randisi
Rochester, New York

Thanks for posting this, Bob. It's a great piece of archival history.

Seth Mnookin

It appears that Father Louis Putz was an active figure at Notre Dame for many decades - including the 1960s. At least according to the Google.

Bob Purse

Thanks for the comments, and all the great information. Nice to have a name to put with this tape.

K. Smith

What you have there is most definately a reading by Henri Nouwen (pronounced "Henry Now-in"). This essay was published by Orbis Books in "The Road to Peace." The essay is entitled "Were You There? The Death of Martin Luther King Jr., 1968." "Road to Peace" is still in print.

The accent you are struggling to identify is Dutch. Henri Nouwen was one of the most innovative and influential spiritual writers of the past century. He wrote 40 books, most of which are still in print. His work has been translated into dozens of languages.

The discussion on the tape that you mention as being not terribly interesting is very interesting to us and we would very much like to have a copy of it for the Henri J.M. Nouwen Archives and Research Collection. If possible, could you please contact us at [email protected] ?

Many thanks!

Jon Pickens

The tape you mention is also of interest to the Forever Learning Institute, a non-profit senior education program started by Father Putz and still operating 36 years later.

Contact info: [email protected]

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