Who'd have thought that Rupert Murdoch-owned newspaper The Times would commission an Obama remix by none other than Cassetteboy? And yet that is exactly what happened last week, you can watch it here.
It doesn't seem to be possible to extract the video to post or embed it here, but I was at least able to get you an audio version in MP3: Cassetteboy vs. Obama - We Are The World
Leave it to Cassetteboy.
I too was flummoxed by that appearing through the Times (I heard about it through Facebook) so was delighted to play it - and the Steinski mix on my show last Thursday evening on KBOO, as well as the ill-advised Elizabeth Alexander poetry and subsequent remixes right here on BOTB.
Interested parties can listen to the show here.
The Cassetteboy track prompted on caller - although partly in jest- to accuse us of committing a felony in playing it (I won't spoil it for those who haven't heard it).
Posted by: Rich | January 25, 2009 at 08:57 PM
i can't wait...is noone safe from the ole cassette mangler himself??
Posted by: Barry Gibson | January 29, 2009 at 08:54 PM