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January 24, 2009


Big Kitty Williams

I just heard about Elton and Betty White through an excellent damned article about them in the last issue of Oxford American, which is a literary cultural magazine about culture in the south.


oh hell, i just gave all my pals 'your smell makes me well' and 'i'm in love with your behind'...can they handle all this?


I saw this name Betty White and thought it was the real one who was in The Golden Girls.Instead its just the usual sickness that's come straight up the conveyor belt from Hell which fits in with all the horror of today.


The confusion between the Betty Whites continues. Imagine the 'actress' Betty's reaction when she was asked (as she must have been sometime) about her 'songs' with 'Elton'...


I have been waiting for this for years, I've only ever been able to get a song here and there (5 of them)... what a marriage! How wonderful is this?!


I loved their show. They looked so much in love.
Great music, thanks for the post. For anyone who hasn't seen it, check out the documentary "public access hollywood". They have a nice little bit on Elton and Betty, and other public access stars like David Liebe Hart, Francine Dancer, ect. You can find the whole thing on youtube.


THANK YOU SO VERY VERY MUCH FOR POSTING THESE!!! I grew up in Little Rock and remember them so very fondly! Some of these songs brought back great memories. I'm sad you lost "let me play with your balls." It was one of my favorites. Please let me know if a CD comes out.

farncine dancer

hi elton how are you doing?

francine dancer

they cancled my trying to get on channel 36.they said i dint meet thert criteria to re submit with propper forms,they put me on th web july 27th. francine dancer


The intro for "Sex Beyond The Door" cut 1 does not belong here. Most of this album is "Hard Deep Sex Explosion" and some of the titles are wrong.


Ahhh, finally a comment from someone associated with "official Elton & Betty". I would appreciate ANY corrections to this and the part two blog on E&B. I'm curious as to why, if "most" of this album is from one source, and some is not- they all sound as if they were recorded at exactly the same time. Perhaps they recorded two lp's-worth of stuff at one whack?
The spoken intros and such were part of the original cassette, and I've left everything on it in the same order, so if there's a mix-up, it happened prior to me. As for titles, I merely used the titles that Betty and Elton announce before each song, although I always drop the "Lady..." that Elton attaches to each one, which I probably shouldn't have, as that repetition is part of his (awesome) style. Apologies to Elton for shortening his titles---it was in the interest of brevity, man.

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