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January 15, 2009


Less Lee Moore

I JUST heard about this movie last fall. I need it on DVD.

Brian Turner

Yeah, this was excerpted on one of the Lost and Found cliptape series. Thanks for the full-length link, can anything else in the flick hold up to this segment?

Brian Turner

Yeah, this was excerpted on one of the Lost and Found cliptape series. Thanks for the full-length link, can anything else in the flick hold up to this segment?


No offense to my Japanese Brothers and Sisters, but
what the hell is wrong with y'all?


i remember seeing this film, my favorite part is when the piano murders a girl...


Amazing flick! I actually heard about it here on Beware of the Blog, a year or two ago...


Here you go, buy Hausu on dvd

Undisclosed Recipient



I've been wanting to see this since it was praised to the heavens in Pete Tombs' great book, Mondo Macabro (which led to the outstanding DVD label of the same name.) Here is a page with some info, including a direct link to the trailer on YouTube:,com_myblog/show,7552


I'd love to see the script for this.


was looking for this for forever. mistakenly though it was called house. thank you!


This looks so promising. Has anyone ordered from "Gotta See DVDs" before? They're boasting A++ picture quality on this film:

I only bring it up because the site, while I've used them in the past/love their selection, doesn't always have great picture quality (there's a fairly wide margin of what qualifies as their "B" grade). Also their customer service downright sucks. (I ordered a few DVDs that didn't ship for 3 months -- in the meantime they didn't respond to A SINGLE E-MAIL inquiry I sent about my movies. Nothing. Zero.)


Oh hell yes.


There is a new gray market copy circulating which has english subtitles over a german DVD copy of the film. It looks fantastic. A+ quality. I got mine from all clues no solutions.


This playing at the NY Asian Film festival (a new print!). Saw it last night, it was awesome! They are screening it again July 2nd. I'm sure it will sell out.

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